


  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    Finally got around to entering my measurements! Good luck everyone!
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    Just posted my results on spreadsheet.

    SW 302
    CW 294.1
    lost 7.9 lbs

    total starting inches 199
    total current inches 188.5
    inches lost 10.5

    I'll take it! :happy:

    Thanks Safirebleu for creating spreadsheet!
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    Just posted my results on spreadsheet.

    SW 302
    CW 294.1
    lost 7.9 lbs

    total starting inches 199
    total current inches 188.5
    inches lost 10.5

    I'll take it! :happy:

    Thanks Safirebleu for creating spreadsheet!

    That's great results!! Great work and congratulations :)
  • SallyGal4
    SallyGal4 Posts: 93 Member
    Just posted my results on spreadsheet.

    SW 302
    CW 294.1
    lost 7.9 lbs

    total starting inches 199
    total current inches 188.5
    inches lost 10.5

    I'll take it! :happy:

    Thanks Safirebleu for creating spreadsheet!

    Way to go!! These are great results! :)
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    Thanks ladies! Has the new group been created?
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    Thanks ladies! Has the new group been created?

    You're welcome!

    No, not that I know for. Would you like to do the honors? Or will we stick around in this group? What would we call it? Jillian Michaels Fanatics? lol We could then do different challenges within the group I guess.
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    Thanks ladies! Has the new group been created?

    You're welcome!

    No, not that I know for. Would you like to do the honors? Or will we stick around in this group? What would we call it? Jillian Michaels Fanatics? lol We could then do different challenges within the group I guess.

    I don't know how to create one, so I say we just stick around here! 30 days at a time! : )
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    Hi all.
    If you create another group, add me.
    I just created another sheet in the excel.
    One month at a time :laugh: We can do it
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    I will have to mix it up. I have 6 days left of 30DS and I am burned out! I have the Biggest Loser too so I will do that next maybe.
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    I updated my stats in the spreadsheet.

    I started the 30 days doing Shred It w/Weights, about half way through I started intermittently adding 6 Week Six-Pack, and then switched to just 6 Week Six-Pack. I rarely take a rest day, though had to this past weekend because 6W6P kills me lol.

    Weight 196.5lbs
    Bust 46.5"
    Chest 41"
    Waist 38"
    Hips 49"
    Thighs 28.25" / 28"
    Calves 17.75" / 17.75"
    Upperarm 14" / 13.75"
    Forearm 10.5" / 10.5"
    Neck 14.5"

    Weight: 188lbs
    Bust 44.5" ( -2")
    Chest 39.375" (-1.625")
    Waist 36.75" (-1.25")
    Hips 45" (-4")
    Thighs 26.625" / 26.625" ( -1.625" / -1.375')
    Calves 17.125" / 17.375" ( -0.625" / -0.375')
    Upperarm 13.625" / 13.5" (-0.375" / -0.25")
    Forearm 10.125" / 10" ( -0.375" / -0.5")
    Neck 14" (-0.5")

    Total weight lost: 8.5lbs
    Total inches lost: 14.875"

    I'm most excited about my hips!! Woohoo!! Shrink baby Shrink! :laugh:

    My Chest and Waist measurements are up a total of 0.625" from last week, but my core is sore as h*ll, so I'm hoping it's just a little inflamation or something.