Challenge members - Please read!!

TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
I just want to thank everyone for participating in the first MFP 3555/5555 2 day calorie burn challenge. You all did amazing!!! I'm proud of all of you!
Like I said, this will be done monthly, so feel free to share this group with your MFP friends as I would like to considerably grow this group and to eventually have the challenge during one month of the year be tied to a charity so that we can sweat and burn those calories for a great cause that is besides our own cause of getting fit! :)
I'm always open to ideas on how to make this challenge even better, so feel free to express any ideas you may have.



  • Phenix_Ablaze
    Phenix_Ablaze Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for making this group. This challenge pushed me to work harder than I have in a very long time. It's a great eye opener and learning experience when you see how slowly those calories come off and how much work it takes to burn them! And then, alternately... how easy it is to shovel them into your mouth! ;-P I was able to see what I am made of this weekend and I am going to kick up my workouts during the week because now I know I can totally do it!
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    Wow, that's awesome! It's great to read how this has impacted you. You hit the nail on the head, it's so much work to burn the calories and so easy to pack them on. Workout harder and then this challenge will be easier next time.
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    I too, must thank you for creating this group and challenge. I accepted it on a whim, thinking "oh, that will be a good way to lose a few pounds". As I have stated before, I seriously didn't think I could burn 3555 calories, but decided I would just do the best I could. Well, I DID do it with a few cals to spare. If it wasn't for you Kevin, and my daughter who is also on MFP, I would not have been able to accopmplish it! I would never even attempted to do something like this on my own. The support was wonderful. I proved to myself that I can do anything that I set my mind to.

    What's weird is that I only lost 1/2 lb, but lost 2 inches in my waist and boobs!

    I have had a few MFP friends ask me what this "challenge" was all about after they saw my numbers this weekend.

    Thanks again, I will spread the word.
