pitty party

carilyn39 Posts: 91 Member
okay my fellow MFP/MS'er's. I KNOW you can relate to this, and I honetly am not fishing for any "awww cari's it will be okay" 's. I am just using you as a sounding board i suppose. I do really very good with MY MS. I am able to walk on my own steam, i don't need any assistance with walking. Mater of fact i am actually able to run and ride my bike. So balance is not an issue and strength is good for the most part, I mean i am not hulkish with my strength but not to shabby for a girl. Easter Sunday myself, my husband and my brother and sister in law were out riding horses. really long story short, the horse got spoked, turned quick in the opposite direction, which instintivly caused me to get low in the saddle, heald on tight to the horn and hat the reins pulled to stop her, she popped up her back end kicked the horse that spooked her and i started a rocking motion came forward and hit the back of the horses head!.....yes i broke it, and i bleed all over. BUT, I did not fall off her and i didn't pass out. so two black eyes and a bruised nose makes me feel so wonderful. Now today, my EAR hurts. not the inside of my ear, the outside like the cartlidge. I don't have it peirced matter of fact i am not even wearing earrings it just hurts. and it comes in mini waves. it will hurt when air blows against it, then it will be fine. I get to thinking about it, wishing for some really good pain killers cause advil or tylenol don't even touch it. which always leads me to believe "ahh haaa its a nerve thing" cause its my left ear which is were my first numbness occured. and the left side of my body is were everything happens, my eye gets all optic neuritis on me and still isn't normal, and probably never will be. SO yes i am felling a little blue and am whining. which really isn't in my nature. OH and i forgot to mention on top of it all!!! i have a SPRING COLD! yippee. and then that gets me to thinking my ear is acting up because my immune system is doing a rapid fire and my nerves are going crazy. AHH it felt good to type it out, would have been even better to say it out load to you because you as a group "get it" most people don't .

the end of my rant. have a great rest of your day, I am off to the chiropractor to see if he can crack me good.


  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    Rant away! Its nice just to be able to vent somedays!
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    OOOOH I hate that this happened, but I totally understand! My MS always triggers on my left side as well. Venting and lettting off steam are things that help us to deal with this IDIOTIC disease! So, feel free!~!:happy:
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    oh man! hope that clears up, MS is such a weird illness but it's kind of coincidental it happened at the same time as the horse accident! hope you feel better!