L_mills Posts: 8 Member
Hey everyone! It's not easy for me to ask for help, so I really appreciate any advice and feedback! :) I have lost 20 lbs. & would like to lose 10 more to be at my goal weight of 140, however I am more frustrated than ever! Not only am I not losing anymore weight ( it hasn't gone down for about a month) but I also cannot get rid of my "love" handles. I have been working out more...I do tabata and Zumba classes 6 days a week, and have started taking 2 classes during the weekend to see if that would help...NOPE! I know I am supposed to eat 1200 calories a day, but if I burn 800 or so, do I need to eat all of that back? I lost the first 20 lbs. just by doing yoga a few days a week. Thank you in advance for any help!


  • oliviaboston
    oliviaboston Posts: 27 Member
    Im the same!, well iv only lost 10 pounds, but my weight hasnt budged for 3 weeks now. and my waist has stayed the same, and my love handles arnt budging. It sad to say but maybe you have hit your wall?? my friend lost around 25 pounds then no matter how hard she tried couldnt lose anymore. I think its to do with genes once you get to that point. try switching up what your doing excercise wise, maybe your just to used to it so go do some running or spinning? sometimes your body needs a change and to work different parts or your body,

    hope this helps.