Get to Know You



  • stephaniep12345mfp
    stephaniep12345mfp Posts: 116 Member
    Hi everyone, this is a fun post and a good way to get to know everyone a little better.

    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? 24, back in 1994 - very unusual, and I found out by a total fluke. I was getting more serious in a relationship and went to Planned Parenthood to go on the pill. They wouldn't prescribe it to me because they said they found high sugar levels in my urine test. They sent me to a doctor, and before I knew it I was being taught how to give myself insulin injections.

    What is your best A1c to date?
    I think it was 4.8. I was absolutely obsessive with my blood sugars when I was pregnant, and I was able to keep my A1C in "normal person" range out of the sheer fear of increasing my baby's risk of having diabetes.

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar?
    28, although I'm sure I've been lower than that. I had an episode once where I was hallucinating and was too out of it to realize it was because of low blood sugar. The only thing that saved me was that I got a totally random and overwhelming craving for Cheez-Its, and I remember crawling into bed to hide from the hallucinations while I ate them.

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis?

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life?
    Yes, I work with a guy who's also a good friend, and he's T2. Also, one of my kitties is diabetic and we give him an insulin shot every day.

    MDI or pump?
    I'm on a pump and love it! I switched when I was trying to get pregnant (again, for the same reason that I was afraid of the risk to an unborn child), and I've never looked back. I use the Medtronic Paradigm, and I got a CGM maybe a year ago. I don't use that too often because it's annoying to have so many things attached to me, but it's really helpful to put it on for a few days every once in a while.

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?
    There are several reasons, but the straw that broke me was that I was already buying jeans in larger sizes, and I had to make a choice between getting ahold of myself or buying a whole new wardrobe.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person?
    I'm a cat person. We have 3 - one is 19, one is 18 and one is 3.

    Do you play any sports?
    I've always been a runner. I was a sprinter in high school and am learning how to run longer distances now, although I do it all on a treadmill.

    What do you do for a living?
    I'm an administrative assistant.

    Have a great day!! :)
  • lady_lise
    lady_lise Posts: 2
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? 13 in 1984
    What is your best A1c to date? 7 & that was a long time ago
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 32
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? yes
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? a few T2 but no one in my social circle
    MDI or pump? pump! {YaY}
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? there are a few reasons but the most im[portant one is that I am tired of being tired.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? have either but love both
    Do you play any sports? no :-(
    What do you do for a living? Human Resources Mgr
  • keithgi
    keithgi Posts: 96 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? 11 in 1969 (43 years ago)
    What is your best A1c to date? 7.2
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 26
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? no
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? Yes, several
    MDI or pump? Pump.
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? Vanity and health. I looked at myself in the mirror in Feb and it looked like someone had taken half of an adult size plastic egg and stuck it on my abdomen. It had to go.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Dog, but cats are ok too.
    Do you play any sports? I like a lot of things. Cycling, running, racquetball, golf and tennis.
    What do you do for a living? Systems Analyst/software developer
  • la_tortuga
    la_tortuga Posts: 6 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? 1986 at age 12.
    What is your best A1c to date? Gosh - high 6 or low 7 in the first year of my diagnosis, and when I was pregnant.
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 15-20 - don't remember much of the occasional bad lows
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? No
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? My brother, some friends from "diabetes camp" back in the day, another mom friend in London
    MDI or pump? Pump! Was so resistant for so long, now I wouldn't change it for the world! Syringes seem so barbaric. :)
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? Truth be told, my husband lost a huge amount of weight, and when I found out his goal weight was less than what I weighed, I knew it was time for me to get in the game.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Both! Weird, I know. Grew up with dogs, have had cats since adult b/c don't have a lifestyle suitable for dogs
    Do you play any sports? Tennis
    What do you do for a living? Currently an at-home mom - who knows what career I'll choose when I go back to work!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1?

    What is your best A1c to date?
    Mine hangs around 6.5

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar?

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis?
    No, I have been in hospital, but not directly for diabetes

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life?
    Yes, a few

    MDI or pump?
    MDI, Pump scares me

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?
    I need some surgery, and the DR told me it would be a great benefit, since I am severely obese

    And a few just for fun:

    Cat or dog person?
    I love all animals....never owned a dog, but love them, had a cat for most of my I just have a little degu

    Do you play any sports?
    Not consistently

    What do you do for a living?
    I work in retail

    P.S. I am Canadian, and I know our readings are different from those in the US
  • At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? 25 (now 28)
    What is your best A1c to date? 6.9 (from 2 weeks ago)
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 39
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? No
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? Type 2- Plenty, Type 1 -None
    MDI or pump? Pump & CGM
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? First it was for my wedding, now it's to get pregnant and have a healthy baby

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? dog
    Do you play any sports? no, but I'm starting to love jogging
    What do you do for a living? Civil Engineer
  • vickicutshall
    vickicutshall Posts: 25 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? Age 10--Actually on the same evening Niel Armstrong stepped onto the moon. I was watching him from my little hospital bed on a black and white TV.
    What is your best A1c to date? 6.9
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 23
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? Yes, in college x1 after gastroenteritis
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? Yes, hundreds
    MDI or pump? Minimed pump
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? Be a good example for my patients

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Cats--we have 4 that are spoiled strays we've rehabilitated
    Do you play any sports? not really
    What do you do for a living? RN

    Thanks for participating!
  • vickicutshall
    vickicutshall Posts: 25 Member
    A couple of fun clarifications:

    Neil Armstrong--sorry on that spelling, Neil. You're my hero!

    My lowest BG was upon arriving to work in the pediatric intensive care. I felt a little strange after report and tested to find myself at 23. Retested and same. Started a grape juice and burst into tears. Then my colleagues and I started laughing--which now seems kinda weird. Everyone was very kind though; it was just a shake-up. I couldn't believe I'd driven all the way across town, parked, walked through the hospital, taken a fully-written report, THEN thought I should test. Needless to say, change of habits ever since.

    I know hundreds of folks with T1 since I've been a diabetes camp nurse for over 28 years. It is a major chunk of my life and my community and I'm convinced the skills and relationships gained there have been a significant reason for my awesome health. Those of us with T1 are a very unique sort of people and I love my volunteer work in the mountains with kids and adults who have the "Beetees."

    I was among the first folks to go from glass syringes to disposables in the late 60's, and from home urine testing to home blood testing in the late 70's. I began wearing an Auto-Syringe pump (about the size of a Subway sandwich!) in the mid-80's, and graduated to increasingly smarter insulin pumps over the 90's. I just got my latest MiniMed Revel pump, in 2012 and am using the CGM.

    I competed in gymnastics in junior high and high school and have run fun runs over the years until I headed to grad school in 2006. A little too much computer-time since then. I'm within 4 months of completing my nurse practitioner studies and am just so thankful to BE here!!

    On Neil Armstrong's July 20th, anniversary of the moon "step" this summer, I was "celebrating" 43 years of complication-free life with T1 diabetes.

    I am so honored to meet more folks through this forum and hear your stories too!!
  • cntrykami
    cntrykami Posts: 5 Member
    I'm pretty knew to MFP and am glad to see other T1's on here!!

    I was first diagnosed when I was 12, which was 24 years ago. My how things have changed!

    Best A1c that I remember, would have been about 8 years ago, a 6.2. Currently running in 7.5, really working on getting back to the 6's.

    My lowest sugar is a 32 that I know of. Unfortunately for the past 10 years I've been more prone to run high than low.

    Knock on wood, I have never been hospitalized for diabetes complications. It surprises me that I haven't since I spent many years without much control. Stupid youth and in denial during college years.

    My brother is a T1 but he is the only other one I know of that is my age. I do know of 1 child of a friend, she's 6.

    I have been on the pump since 1998 and I love it.

    I decided to gain control back over my weight when I realized that it is just not going to go away on its own and I am most likely going to need surgery to help.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? I have a cat, love him, but I am a total dog person. Wish I could have a dog where we live.
    Do you play any sports? No sports. I played tennis in high school.
    What do you do for a living? I am a stay at home mom to to amazing girls.
  • Chandra_W
    Chandra_W Posts: 9 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? I was 12 in 1999 - I got diagnosis right at Spring Break, so that's how I spent that SB LOL

    What is your best A1c to date? I really don't remember my best A1C, they're usually around 7.0-8.0, which I'm trying (and struggling) to get at least a 6.something.

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? Low 20s...yeah - that was fun

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? No, emergency room trips, but no actual hospitalizations (once for a low glucose induced seizure, once for DKA

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? A couple

    MDI or pump? Pumper for 10 years

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? Me and the hubs are going to try and have a baby here soon - and I have to get everything under control for that, plus, I'm tired of being "sick" all the time...

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Cat, I have my lovely Luna, my 5 year old black cat

    Do you play any sports? Haha, no, I'd rather cross stitch, knit, read, or play on the computer

    What do you do for a living? A teller at a bank, which I like because it's easier to take care of my BG than it was at my old fast food jobs :/
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    Hello :) I was in college in 2001 when I was diagnosed with T1- I was pretty sick my spring semester of college- and towards the end of the year they finally figured out what it was. At the same time I was diagnosed I also got a blister on my foot that wouldnt heal ;) Because i was overweight, they first automatically assumed I was type 2- but they were wrong. Further testing proved and was started on insulin. My best A1C was probably high 7's lower 8's although recently its been much higher---give you some info, the last two years i have been fighting bone infection and staph infections in my leg and in May my left leg was amputated below the knee. The good news? My mom & my sisters started using MFP and talked me into joining, and since then my bloodsugars have been great! So I'm actually really anxious to see what my next A1C is in November :) Never been hospitalized due directly to the diabetes BUT I have from the complications I've had IE infections, amputation, thearpy after amputation etc. My lowest recorded BS has been 35. Highest- when i found out i was diabetic it was in the 500s and 600s. I know alot of diabetics in RL... probably about 10 or more off the top of my head- both type 1 &2. I currently take injections, although I am going through the process of getting approved for an insulin pump. I decided to start taking control of my weight becuase not only do i want to, i NEED to. The last two years scared the hell outta me. I don't want to be sick anymore- I want to be around for my family and husband. I want to eat the way I've always been supposed to and control my BS. If I had to pick I would say I am a dog person, although I love both- hell, I love animals in general. I have a dog that is a lab and australlian sheppard mix named Jack and a cat named Lion- not sure what she is-- I found her in the barn 4 years ago and took her in :) Jack & Lion get along great- they even sleep by each other :) I don't play any sports now, but I played every sport there was in in highschool and in college i was in track & Field on scholarship. I have been on medical leave for a little over a year now, but I am a CNA and work at Veteran's Nursing Home in the town i live by.
  • I actually diagnosed myself; but no one thought it was true so no one really paid attention to me. I went a few months without receiving insulin and I had lost over 40 pounds. Everyone thought I was suicidal and thought I was just anorexic. I because so overly depressed. I felt terrible, I knew what was wrong, and no one listened to me.

    I finally had an appointment for something else and I asked for a blood test. I had to go to the hospital immediately because it was found out my blood sugar was 1124. They couldn't understand why I was even walking. after so long, my body slowly got used to high blood sugar.

    So.. I was diagnosed at 15 I believe, it was my sophomore year of high school.

    Best A1c - I was 11 in July and in one month I got it down to 7.

    Lowest blood sugar - It was somewhere in the 20's.. 23? Maybe.

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? - Many times. I had a problem; the insulin made me gain weight and after so long of being thin and not taking insulin, I wanted that. I wanted to lose weight so I wouldn't take it, resulting in ketoacidosis.

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? Yes, about four maybe.

    I use the pen needles.

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? I can't manage my diabetes and everything else. My life is passing me by and I'm slowly dying and depressed and not enjoying life at all.

    Cat or dog person? Both :)

    Do you play any sports? I love volleyball, but don't play since I'm not in school or anything.

    What do you do for a living? Sleep hah
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? At the age of 18.
    What is your best A1c to date? 7
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 35!
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? Hosp due to complications... including one below the knee amputation.
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? yes, many- both type 1 and 2.
    MDI or pump? Used to use shots, but had very poor control.... after 10 years of high a1's mixed in with low blood sugars I finially now use the Omnipod Pump.
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? I came to a point where i was sick & tired of being sick & tired. I recently had my amputation... and never want something like that again. I've been married for about a year now and someday soon we'd like that have a family.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Both. I have a cat named Lion and two dogs- Jack and Sparky
    Do you play any sports? Since the amputation no. In highschool I played them all :)
    What do you do for a living? I'm a Resident Living Specialist at a Verteran's Home. In short- I'm a CNA, housekeeper, Cook, and Activities person all in One. Yea, I do it all baby!! :P :)
  • Glad to join in!

    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? Days before my 18th birthday. Happy birthday!

    What is your best A1c to date? 6.1 during my "honeymoon" phase, which lasted 2 - 2 1/2 years.

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 26! And I was still walking and talking.

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? Only once and that's because I got a bad stomach bug and couldn't keep any food down and we couldn't get my BD above the low 60s.

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? My younger brother was diagnosed when he was 11. He was my biggest support when I was diagnosed. My first boyfriend was a T1.

    MDI or pump? Pump!

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? To by honest, I've never had a huge problem with it. However, I want to be in better control and bit fit, not just thin. I also want tighter control of my A1C, which was 7.1 at my last appointment.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Both, but cat over dog probably and horse trumps all!
    Do you play any sports? Dressage, running. I used to do kickboxing and tae kwon do.
    What do you do for a living? I'm currently an Admin. Assistant and going to grad school full time in the evenings for my MA in Writing and Publishing.

    Go team T1!
  • jianop
    jianop Posts: 51 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1?
    November 8th, 1996. I was 13. Not an awkward age at all!

    What is your best A1c to date?
    6.3 (Last weeks in fact!)

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar?
    My meter just said LO. Number: 31

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis?
    Yes. I have a low in the early morning and didn't wake up. I was pretty much paralyzed and couldn't talk or move. I was lucky that my parents called me twice in t a row that morning and I was able to answer. Firefighters broke down my door and took me to the hospital.

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life?
    Yep. I met a few in college but two years ago I started a group for adults with T1D in Denver. There are over 150 of us and we meet on a monthly basis!

    MDI or pump?
    Medtronic pump, Dexcom G4 CGM

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?
    I'm tired of going up and down with my weight and I thought I have my a1c under control, now it's time for my weight. Plus I'm turning 30 and I want to look good!

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person?

    Do you play any sports?
    Kickball, softball, volleyball

    What do you do for a living?
    News producer
  • AMBlass
    AMBlass Posts: 161
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1?
    I was diagnosed in January 1994 at age 8.

    What is your best A1c to date?
    I believe it's 7.1%

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar?
    29 mg/dl -- and it was at diabetes camp!

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis?

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life?
    I know a ton! I'm very active in the Diabetes Online Community -- forums, twitter, blogs... let me know if you want me to hook you up! :)

    MDI or pump?
    I pumped for 12 years, but I'm back on MDIs

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?
    Just being overweight!

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person?
    A cat person.

    Do you play any sports?
    I run and do strength training, but that's about it right now.

    What do you do for a living?
    I'm a freelance blogger for and I'm currently in school to get a nursing degree. I want to become a diabetes educator.
  • tafinney
    tafinney Posts: 18 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? I was 25 and it was 1995. I was in the USArmy, fortunately, so my Type1 DM is considered a Service Connected Disability and all my meds are covered by the Veterans Administration.

    What is your best A1c to date? 8, and that was years ago.

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 17 and I was fully functional. Tis has happened many times.

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? Lol... Yes. See above.

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? Yes

    MDI or pump? Needles

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? 250lbs... I am a fat *kitten* and don't want to be.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Cat
    Do you play any sports? No
    What do you do for a living? I am a Workforce Planning Developer/Analyst/Manager.
  • racegirlkn
    racegirlkn Posts: 15 Member
    This is so neat!

    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? May 12, 1994 and I was 12 years old.

    What is your best A1c to date? 7.1. I have been striving for an under 7, but haven't been successful yet. I will never give up hope though!

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 20ish...I have lots of bad lows in the night

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? Nope. I feel very lucky. Several childhood friends from a diabetes camp I went to for about 10 years as a camper, Counselor in training, and then counselor have already passed away. Very sad.

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? Yep, lots. I met hundreds as a camper and counselor and still keep in touch with a lot of them on Facebook. We even get together during the summer for camp reunions! It is amazing to be able to talk to people that are JUST LIKE YOU!!!

    MDI or pump? Pump since 1999. I can't imagine my life any other way now!

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? When I was in college, I got sick of being the fat friend. I have since lost about 50 pounds and am now working on losing about 20 more. I have also started running half marathons, and will run my first full marathon in January of 2014. Very exciting, especially considering my weight loss, and 20 years of diabetes.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? I love all animals, but I have 2 cats. Would like a diabetes dog someday.
    Do you play any sports? Avid runner. Love running in 5ks, 10ks, half marathons, and in less than a year, a full marathon!!! (I'm super excited if you can't tell. I'm running the Disney World Full Marathon!!!!!)
    What do you do for a living? I am a math coach in a k-2 elementary building. Before this, I taught first grade!
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Love this idea!

    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? 10 years old - 1990

    What is your best A1c to date? 5.8

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? I really don't know... High 20's?

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? Yes... Let's just say I was angry, angry teenager who hated life and school and intentionally skyrocketed my sugars to punish myself for my shortcomings... TWICE. Ugh, the stupid stuff I did to myself!

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? Yep, my mama is Type 1 and I met 2 other diabetics who I've become good friends with through a Dexcom continuous glucose meter educational meeting.

    MDI or pump? PUMP!!!!

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? I couldn't fit into my summer shorts one year and I refused to buy bigger clothes. I'm terrified of becoming really overweight and not being able to get back to my old body.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? I love all fur babies, but cats are my favorite :)

    Do you play any sports? I like to shoot hoops with my husband, but I am petrified of being hit in the face with the ball (got all my teeth knocked out in a bike accident when I was 5) and so I can't really play sports...

    What do you do for a living? I work for Progressive Insurance in their real estate department managing our leased locations.
  • swensonsings
    swensonsings Posts: 5 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? *** 32 - my youngest was 8 months old

    What is your best A1c to date? *** 5.9!

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? **** 22 - still conscious, surprisingly

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? **** nope. Did have the EMTs called once when my husband was gone and my kids couldn't wake me up.

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? *** yes - a couple

    MDI or pump? **** Medtronic Paradigm pump for 4 or 5 years now, and CGM for a few months

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? *** I am a middle school choir teacher who has not sung with an ensemble (outside of work) since college. I am auditioning for the local symphony chorus, and just need to improve my breath support. The weight has been coming off fairly slow and steady (started in January), and I am working at getting more exercise in.

    And a few just for fun:

    Cat or dog person? neither!

    Do you play any sports? - nope

    What do you do for a living? - middle school choir teacher

    Thanks for participating!