Getting through PCOS

I've been having a hard time finding motivation to work out and lose the weight.
I was diagnosed in 2008 with pcos. Since finding out that i have this syndrome its like the whole world has become so much more difficult to live in especially being a lover of fine gourmet. Its been difficult for me to stick to any kind of diet but even more so to exercise. I feel embarased to go into a gym...
I've just turned 29, im 151cm (5feet) tall, and i weigh 105 kilos (232 lbs). I desperately need to lose the weight, and i really do not want to go into my 30s this big. Living with PCOS is difficult, as in the past when i have tried to work out and ate according to my PCOS way, i lost nothing. Six months of going to the gym with a trainer 3 times a week and eating both the Fedon Diet way/Euro Diet. Then trying atkins..... I gave up.
My weight gain has had a huge affect on my married life aswell. As a contrast, my Husband is the opposite of me in every way. Tall, fit, dark hair, blue, He has told me several times that he understands why i have gained weight, but he has become grumpy that his wife is not the way she use to be. I understand him, But naturally it does bring me down to know that he feels this way.
Now, Two years after trying these diets, and four years after finding out about the PCOS i am ready to make a change. In anycase it is not pleasent to look at my BMI and see that i am categorized in the God Awful Morbidly Obese category.
Any motivation i can get would be much appreciated!

Thank you! ^_^


  • robynj88
    robynj88 Posts: 104 Member
    If you've tried dieting and it hasn't worked for you, especially low carb dieting, go to your doctor and see what they can recommend. I'm taking Metformin for my PCOS, I'm not trying for a baby or anything, I'm taking it purely for weight loss which should reduce my other symptoms as a result. I was getting sick of dieting and exercising all the time for next to no results, but it's been great for me. I've lost about 6lbs in 4 weeks, inches off my midsection which is my real problem area, and have had minimal side effects. Even if the side effects had been stronger like some people complain of, I'd still stick with it just for the results.

    You also need to stop being embarrassed about going to the gym. And don't feel that going to the gym is the only exercise option for you. I do zumba classes twice a week, its a brilliant form of cardio, it burns around 600 calories an hour session and its hilarious because nobody in the class is really good at it! There are people of all shapes and sizes there too. If you still don't think you could manage it then buy a DVD to try at home. Raising your exercise levels any way possible will help, even if it's just going for a walk every evening or morning.
  • Thanks :) I really appreciate the support and Motivation.

    I was on metaformin for a while but my doctor took me off of it. I do not know why, but he did. They gym issue, you are right i do need to get over it but until i get to that point, i bought a few of the zumba cds and have been trying them at home. I admitt i am not very good at getting up and actually doing to......... MUST GET better. lol.