Challenge Day 3

Didn't see Challenge Day 3 posted by the monitor and I DID IT and had to say it!!

I made it thru 3 minutes of Cardiac without stopping today. Wahoo!!

I am well on my way :bigsmile:


  • Amyding115
    Amyding115 Posts: 120
    Day 3: Super sore. Quite frankly as sore as I was from Day 1 I'm surprised I got through Day 2 and I'm still standing. Did i mention everything hurts, legs arms obliques, abs. Measurements to come this evening! (Not sure if I'll be able to maneuver the measuring tape but we'll see what happens!)
  • Eb155
    Eb155 Posts: 46 Member
    Got my Level 1 Day 3 30DS out of the way for the day! Have a great one all!! See you all day 4 :)
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    Its Day 3 already? lol

    It's great to have a group who are doing something similar! We CAN do this :)
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 267 Member
    Day 3 done last night! Woot Woot! I am not dead yet so her is to Day 4! Which I have heard is the hardest, not sure why but I have Zumba tonight too so.....:yawn: hopefully I get through it all.
  • dsengel01
    dsengel01 Posts: 88 Member
    I will be doing BFBM tonight - wish me luck - this one always kills me :cry:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Gearing up for day #3 when I get home tonight...rainy days always make me wanna go home and curl up, so I'm trying to stay positive today!
    I'm feeling really good all over...but I've spent the past several months doing a lot of strength training and moves similar to JM, so I think that's why I'm not super sore. I am noticing very tender shins though. Anyone else have this going on?
  • KM1970
    KM1970 Posts: 20 Member
    ripped in 30 lvl 3 and 3 circuits of nmtz
  • nyssa1231
    nyssa1231 Posts: 120 Member
    I did the "Day 4" circuit from "Making the Cut" this morning. It is the same circuit from "Day 1". However, this time, I didn't feel like puking in the middle of it! Progress! I have been ravenous all day today because of these workouts!
  • Padmo
    Padmo Posts: 89 Member
    50 minutes of cardio today at the gym, I am pumped to have gotten it done. Will do Cardio with Jillian later today from the Body Revolution DVD's (day 3).

    great job everyone!
  • SallyGal4
    SallyGal4 Posts: 73 Member
    Day 8 on L2 of 30ds done! Just starting to get a little easier. I can now make it through almost all the cardio sets without any split second breaks. Although I still don't do the plank jacks or burpees. Those hurt my hips too much. So I'm stuck doing jumping jacks.

    Keep pushing through the soreness. It will go away. Stretch for 10-20 minutes after whatever program you do or you will be hurting.

    Keep it up, everyone!!
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    Done! AND heading to the gym with my daughter when she gets here :) Heaven help me!
  • micmac327
    micmac327 Posts: 128
    Didn't see Challenge Day 3 posted by the monitor and I DID IT and had to say it!!

    I made it thru 3 minutes of Cardiac without stopping today. Wahoo!!

    I am well on my way :bigsmile:

    Thanks for doing that for me! I slept in! ;)
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    Well today was my weigh in day and tonight is my Day 5 Level 1 30 DS......My weigh in difference from last week.... DOWN 3.5 # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 397 Member
    Had a late night so no JM before work. But I will fit it in after the gym tonight!.
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    I did 30ds level 2 today ,need a quick workout while lo waqs naopping so chose that .i will try to hopefully do no more trouble zones again tomorrow
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    Did Day 3 of LEvel 2 30DS last night and, just like with Level 1, it was the hardest one so far. Hopefully it will get easier from now on in like it did last time!
  • Day 3 of Level 1 Ripped in 30: Aching like buggery today! Worse than yesterday I'd say.. Also went for a short run so all I want to do now is sleep and rest my poor body haha. I seriously feel like I've been thrown down 2 flights of stairs and then repeatedly kicked xD.
  • Jjsugar2001
    Jjsugar2001 Posts: 75 Member
    Day three of 30DS Level 1: My quads are kiling! Lunges are not my friend.
  • Sounds like everyone is on a Roll. Just finished day # 3 doing JM revolution phase #1 disc 3. I already know I'll be feeling it tomorrow. Great job everyone lets keep it going!!:drinker:
  • Day 3: Done with 40 minutes of JM Fitness Ultimatium 2009 for Wii. Will start the three DVD rotation over in the morning. Think I might have to get a few more because I really hate doing the same thing every day. Do you think a Biggest Loser DVD that isn't solely JM will count for this challenge?