how are you?

nessa786 Posts: 107 Member
How are you doing today?? :happy:


  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    Things have been rocky this week and I have let it get to me with my eating and exercising. I need to get back on track as I have state championships on Saturday and I'm afraid that I will fail big time if I don't get in some last minute workouts and focus on eating right.
  • teimo
    teimo Posts: 44
    I spectacularly fell off the wagon at the weekend... which lead into Tuesday / Wednesday. Lost the ability to say NO and resist treats but thanks to the support on this site I am now back on track (I hope).
    I have a friends wedding in 5 weeks, for which I was hoping to lose tons of weight and look fabulous (well feel good about myself anyway). guess thats out of the window but I still have 5 weeks to make some sort of impact.
  • nessa786
    nessa786 Posts: 107 Member
    I totally feel you both. Weekends seem to be the worst for me, since that is family time. But this last week both My hubby and son were sick. Took son to dr appt and they gave him a breathing treatment b/c he was wheezing (he is 10 months old) and then Monday I had to take hubby to ER b/c he was having an asthma attack and his inhalers wouldnt work. So it has just been easier to grab fast food. =(