Weight training and losing weight



  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I think the comment referred to how hard it is to both lose fat and build muscle at the same time. Pick one and make it your priority, then work on the other. Cut and bulk cycles.

    You are right and she is wrong though. As you say, it is hard to both lose fat and build muscle, however that is totally different to suggesting that you shouldn't weight train while trying to lose fat....

    This is where these discussions always seem to end up... cut vs bulk is about DIET, not exercise. Please show me a bodybuilder who stops lifting weights while they're cutting...
  • slimlifter
    slimlifter Posts: 61 Member
    Le sigh.
    I would never recommend anyone not do both strength training and cardio.
    For ****s sake. You people like an argument don't you!
  • slimlifter
    slimlifter Posts: 61 Member
    Other people posted the same point as me, yet for some reason I am copping "flame" Nowehere did I say not to lift weights and do cardio. All I said was to pick a goal.
    Le sigh.




    For starters, you need to focus on one thing a time. Fat loss (weight loss while preserving LBM) or muscle gain (that will also gain some amount of fat).


  • Shfiftyfive
    It was your original post that started it actually.
    "weight training and losing weight"
    There's your problem right there.

    Saying "muscle gain" instead of "weight training" would've had a totally different meaning and implication.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    It was your original post that started it actually.
    "weight training and losing weight"
    There's your problem right there.

    Saying "muscle gain" instead of "weight training" would've had a totally different meaning and implication.

    Yep, that was my point.

    Jenstrength, I am 100% sure that you didn't mean not to weight train when you are trying to lose weight. But that is what the above statement implies. I certainly wasn't up for an argument, just wanted to be 100% clear. Hang around these threads and you will see why. Almost on a weekly basis there is someone who has taken the idea of 'cut vs bulk' or 'you can't build muscle on a deficit' to mean that they shouldn't lift weights until they are at goal... So this is a topic that I like to be really explicit about.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I'm trying to lose fat as well as gain muscle, trying to develope traditional six pack and pecs. I currently have fat around my stomach area, which I want to lose to be able to show ab muscles behind it.

    I'm maintaining a high protein diet (with some carbs) and working out every other day with weights or cardio (running) for 30 mins. I'm trying to increase this to 1hr every day (although I have twisted my ankle so cardio is suffering)

    I work from home, so sat at computer most of the time. BMR is 1500 calories (I'm 70kg and 1m 65cm). I've gone from 1400, 1200 now to 1000 calories/day.

    I saw some initial weight loss (9kg) over the last couple of months, not much muscle gain and also NOT alot of loss in the stomach area which is the only area I want to lose weight in. I'm getting frustrated that I can't just alter my diet and exercise routine and get the body shape I want. I'm starting to wonder if I am gentically supposed to be this way.

    Any tips and help would be appreciated - particularly if your trying to do the same thing yourself

    Feel free to look at my food diary and let me know if doing anything wrong or if you'd recommend anything else. I would be interested to read the food diaries of others trying to do the same to get ideas

    Hi! I am purely strength training at the mo for another 4 weeks (been doing stronglifts for about 8 weeks now) then am going to trim the fat. I am 5 foot 5, weigh 162 lbs, consume 2000 calories per day on average. Am same dress size but have gained 7 lbs in the last 5 months. Waist looser, legs and bum tighter on trousers, dresses and skirts. Gained muscle visible but not defined.

    Your food diary looks okay until the chips and pizza (white flour and potatoes) and the semi skimmed milk also looks off.

    I keep white flour out of my food list totally. No cakes, no dougnuts, no pizza, no pasta. I eat brown rice, brown pasta, wholemeal bread sparingly (brown, heavy, nutty, seedy breads are best)...potatoes and starchy vegetables and pasta, etc only on training days. I eat lots of raw vegetables with my protein. I eat full fat milk, yoghurt, cream (double please) and cottage cheese, etc. I also eat nuts, seeds and flax seeds daily. I use protein bars and powder to supplement my main meal. I eat six times a day.

    Cardio for me, is cycling. I do not own a car. I cycle to and from work, to and from the gym three times per week. I cycle to the city centre when I need to go there. I do not do any other cardio. I do yoga once a week too to stretch and relax.

    Not sure what else to add, other than agreeing with the pick a goal theme.