Recovery Week.

I don't know if this is crazy... but the first month was tough. I didn't get that sore though. I busted my butt and sweat more than I ever had... maybe even more than my HS wrestling days. Now I am halfway through with recovery week and I am sore. Kinda odd, I thought. :D


  • AKartes11
    AKartes11 Posts: 30
    Agreed... I'm on day 4 of the recovery week and I'm sore in my shoulders and bum. I think it's because we are doing the same workout every day and it's more of a strength training rather than cardio. But hopefully by Monday once we start month 2 we will be fine :)
  • DestroyTheOpposition
    DestroyTheOpposition Posts: 444 Member
    Im sore in the same spots! Not bad though. A good sore. Kind anxious of what it to come in month 2. :D
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Hey! To be honest, I did the first 2 days then I alternated elliptical and core cardio :)
  • DestroyTheOpposition
    DestroyTheOpposition Posts: 444 Member
    Well thats kewl. I may try something like that my second time around. :)
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Im on Insanity day #4 today and nope im not that sore either.. but thats prob, becuz I started working out in general 3months ago...So, my body is already use to being challenged from different workouts. I cant wait for my body to finally change tho, so far im only 3 pounds down. cuz I had messed up alot on my diet part for 3 full months. but this time Im following Insanity's nutrition plan the best I can... :)
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    what is the recovery week like? is it another tough new cardio workout or similar to any of the other dvds we did already in month 1? just curious
  • DestroyTheOpposition
    DestroyTheOpposition Posts: 444 Member
    the cardio recovery week surprisingly works your shoulders and hip flexors quite a bit... prepping you for month 2. I think the last 8 minutes are the toughest.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    so a lot of planks and lunges it sounds like... that's ok though... i am welcoming that change.