Weight Loss Tips and Hints..

EmTulips Posts: 2 Member

My name is Emily, BTB in September with 10kgs to loose… gulp….
I am really excited to be in contact with girls in the same position and looking forward to motivating each other through the stressful / exciting time of planning a wedding and trying to loose weight…

It sounds like a lot of people have had great success already.. What has worked? I need tips & hints??

I have cut out carbs and trying to stick to 1000 – 1200 calories but its pretty tough.. I have lost around 3kg but that has been slow and steady… And there is no time for slow and steady when you are counting down until the wedding
One thing that has worked is when I go to eat something naughty I say to myself “Emily do you really want to wear that piece of cake to your wedding?” Because I know if I eat it chances are the cake will be sitting on my hips on my wedding day. Trust me it works, the cake is nowhere near as appetising haha

Good Luck Everyone xx Emily


  • Mcferran1985
    Hey all

    My name is Gail and I am due to get married in 6 months time (20 Oct 2012) and I seem to be going the wrong way with the dieting!!

    I have been at Weight Watchers for just over 2 years now and have had a steady loss just over 2st 7lbs but again the last few months have been awful where I have lost a pound then the following week its on so basically I need SUPPORT from all you lovely ladies!

    Currently I am doing the Shake Plates 5 days a week as recommended by the company to help tone up and try lose inches and also going to try and get out every night to do a quick 1 mile walk around local park.

    Emily - I wish I could say 'Gail that cake is going straight to your hips' but its usually after I eat it and then I feel sick!

    I am forward planning this week and making sure I weigh everything for WW and not going to drink any alcohol or junk food as I am due to go on my hen party weekend on th 17th May 2012.

    I look forward to hearing and learning from you all!!
  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    Hey guys,

    I was actually due to be married in November last year but my mister ended up in jail!!! FML. But it was for something that wasn't actually his fault so I chose to stick by him. We haven't set a new date yet because the court stuff isn't over yet, but I gained about eight kilos comfort eating and I need to start thinking about doing something about that.

    I have a dress and, whilst it has a laced back and I could fit into it even if I weighed 20kg more, I want to look GOOD. I kind of want to have to have the dress taken in, actually, because it was always a little big.

    Emily, I've heard that eating any less than 1200cal per day causes your metabolism to crash. Apparently you're better off eating more and exercising more otherwise your body holds on to the weight. Good luck (to you and to everyone), and congratulations on your loss so far :)
  • cherrynnm
    Congrats to everyone on getting married its so exciting! My wedding is in 10 weeks and I am freaking out! I had back surgery last May and was basically not able to do anything for 6 months then found out this February that my lumbar bone fusion did not take so I ended up having a second surgery in March. I am 7 weeks out of surgery and need to fit into my dress!! I am not allowed to do any bending or twisting and the doctor said to use common sense when I work out. Im so frustrated and all I want to do is eat! I have 7 pounds to go in 10 weeks!

    Right now I am trying the Jillian Michaels lose 5 pounds of bloat in 7 days! I am testing it out now to see if it words so maybe Ill do it before the wedding! Has anyone tried this before? Basically what it is is a dandelion root tea back with lemon juice and cranberry juice. We will see how it goes!! Have a great Thursday everyone!!:happy:
  • missphirefly
    I love that 'Wear that piece of cake to the wedding" - I'm going to use that!

    I've got a year to lose 2st, I'm pretty confident I can do it, its great having the wedding as a motivator.

    My best tip is to make home made granola every Sunday for the next weeks' breakfasts. It's quite calorific but it's full of great nutrition and keeps my appetite in check all day. I really notice a difference if I don't have it. It's totally addictive too.
  • apeluso1985
    I check out the calories on a menue before I go out and find something I can order and enjoy, also, skinny girl margarita's
  • missphirefly
    Haha - a girl after my own heart, apeluso - I literally just this minute was doing exactly that in preparation for a night out at the weekend!