League of Legends players?

TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
edited December 18 in Social Groups
I have been playing this game for a few months now, and LOVE IT! I play as Vladimir, Twisted Fate, Gragas, and Mordekasier. Look me up, I am TeutonicBier (my summoner name)

Looking for people to play with!


  • evilstarburst
    evilstarburst Posts: 45 Member
    haha I just made a post on a group about this game. well take a look at my ticker, enough said, so addicted to this game many nights of alcohol, pizza and league lol and raging... I was 1600 elo player but kept bouncing back from 1300-1600. I guess you can tell who my favorite champ is too aye?
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Heimerdinger, Nunu, Morgana, Ashe, etc... here!

    Add me : Mrs Cheezle
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Only been playing a couple of weeks, up to lvl 16 atm. Stuck with Ashe for a bit, now branched out into Morgana. Need to think of another one to use too now though =/
  • jstur14
    jstur14 Posts: 30
    Feel free to add me my name is Zulchez

    I pretty much only do Coop vs AI right now havnt branched into the pvp as I am not that great :P
  • Hello! I started playing in Jan. and am lvl 21 at the moment. I'm pretty much addicted, have good games and bad games but I'm always excited to play. I use Caitlyn and Vlad as my mains. If you want to play I am AluminumMonster0. Good luck with the weight loss!! I could absolutely use some encouragement so log on and yell at me to work out!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    Loooove this game.
    i made a topic about this games months ago but has now been lost within the mass of topics this group has received.

    Im a pretty well rounded player. I can play most ranged characters, some melee, some tanks, etc. My favs are lux, teemo, singed, and Irelia. I own over 25 characters, and have been playing for nearly 2 years now.

    Add me if you want, Apryl546
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I've branched out into Ryze now, loving him!

    Something I've noticed though, see if it's the same for you. The higher level i get, lvl 20 now, the more ****s I'm coming across. From 1-15 i had an empty ignore list. Now it seems im putting at least 1-2 people on ignore after every game, all teammates.

    I think i preferred it at lower levels!
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