Please, someone reassure me.

It's been over a month.. .almost 2 in fact. My weight loss is STOPPED. Halted. No buenos.

I haven't gained, it fluctuates by 2 or 3 lbs but never goes above 166.... I set a goal to measure only after 4 weeks of SL and The Day will be Tuesday. I'm terrified that I'll do the measurements, have lost basically nothing for inches and my weight will be the same and voila... back to low calories as a big EFF YOU to the whole situation.

Please someone tell me that the no-scale movement (and the seemingly sameness of my body composition since clothes aren't feeling generally any looser) is normal and this isn't a massive fail.


  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Can't see your diary so I can't comment on whether you're eating too little or too much.

    I've plateaued before, they're normal. Drove me nuts, no change in measurements for a month and then woke up one day and lost 4 lbs. The closer you are to goal the harder it is to lose. Just make sure you're eating enough, because increasing my cals generally works for me.
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    I'm eating between 1800 and 1900 a day, lift days I'm occasionally over. Dan's right hand man with the calculations said not to eat back calories so that I was netting under TDEE and usually that still puts me around 1600-1700 a day.

    After a weekend off I can be down almost 4 lbs, but it's back up after Monday morning and stays like that all week.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    how long have you been lifting for?
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    Tuesday will be about 5 and a half weeks of Stronglifts (first week was only 2/3 days) and I was doing Jamie Eason's for about 6 weeks before that (not very heavy).

    I took pictures and measurements on March 24th (after the first week or so of Stronglifts) and am doing new ones of both on Tuesday. I really have no idea, maybe there IS change that I haven't noticed, but it certainly isn't weight-related if so.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Play with your cals by 100 one way or the other but other than that keep doing what you're doing. Weight loss isn't linear, even though it frustrates the h*ll out of us, it is what it is.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Boy, does this resonate with me. I've been heavy strength training for about 6 weeks, stronglifts for 4 weeks. And ugh! The scale almost immediately shot up about 8 lbs. And has stayed there. It wouldn't bother me so much EXCEPT none of my measurements have changed.

    My only motivation is I'm firmer everywhere. And I like feeling stronger. So I don't quit. But it's total blind faith that I keep going, trying to eat enough. I'm eating more than I used to, but I'm still staying under my total expenditure. I'm trying to keep my deficit no more than 500 cals. I've also increased my carbs a fair amount (I was really low carb before, which was working for a long while, but then stopped working, and I needed more with all this increased activity.)

    I feel like I'm dangling off a cliff by my finger nails. My friends bear the brunt of my frustrations re the scale/measurements. I feel you.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Jaime, I'm so glad you posted this. I've been close to tears for two days. I knew we had increased our calories at the same time but we started SL about the same time as well. I'm going through the same thing. I checked everyones stats for the week at dan's group and then stupidly went over to success stories to see how people were losing. I'm really frustrated right now. I don't understand how the weight just pours off of some people.

    Qarol, I think the strength gains are the only thing keeping me going right now. I can now carry my 2 year old with no problem and I've been hauling around 5 gallon buckets of feed and supplements.
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    I haven't had to use my strength for anything so I don't know how to judge really.... I can hold my boyfriend's whole weight if he climbs on me piggy-back style (he weighs around 215) so I know my legs are stronger.

    It's just such a frustration - it makes me see why so many people ignore the sense of eating more and stick to 1200 and cardio and then worry about building back muscle later. Gah!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It's just such a frustration - it makes me see why so many people ignore the sense of eating more and stick to 1200 and cardio and then worry about building back muscle later. Gah!
    I get this. This is SO SO SO tempting. People would crucify me if I admitted that. I won't give in. But I won't deny it's not tempting. Right now, feeling stronger (I don't lift except at the gym, either, but I can just FEEL that I'm stronger), my body is firmer, I look a bit better naked (even though I'm the same damn size!), is what's keeping me going. Except I took a picture the other day, in the same bathing suit as my before picture, and I'm HOPING it's the angle, but I look BIGGER. It made me cry.

    But I worry that if things don't eventually start changing, I'm gonna lose what little motivation I had. What can I say...I'm a pessimist.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    eat sleep and drink enough water. Water intake should be 1/2 your current body weight in oz plus more for exercise, more for any meds that say you need water w/them and 8 oz /caffinated beavie.

    at least 100g of protein, if you think you will go over your cals, cut carbs 1st then fat (though fat is worth more cals)
    when I say carbs I mean breads, grains, potatoes etc.

    Watch your salt. Try to keep in mind when your TOM is. That will add 5-7 lbs and some "s on your waist as well.

    Make sure to weigh and measure on your 2nd day of rest. If you weigh on a day after your workout AND near your TOM you can see 10-12lbs difference! It's astonishing. Then a week or 2 later you weigh again on your 2nd day off and you can see that you are like 14 or 16 lbs less than that anomylous weight and there is NO WAY to drop that much weight that fast.

    I've been slacking on measuring at all, but as I recall the waist measurment difference for TOM is like 1/2 to 1". I've also seen my waist stay the same and my hips go down. I'm a hippy hippy, so movement in the hips is pretty hard to get so when that happens I believe I'm losing fat all over.

    hope that helps you some. Maybe try limiting starch carbs and keeping carbs altogether at 100g/day, for a week, if it kills your energy then abort, if not, try to keep going to see if it will help you cut better. Also maybe (if your BF% is on the low side) do maint 5x5 (keep lifting just don't add weight, maybe add reps) and bump up your cardio.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I've actually recently increased my carbs to 100g daily. So that's not my concern. I'm a champ at restricting carbs. And my protein is around 120g per day. I'm aiming to keep my deficit no more than 500 cals.

    The scale shot up 8 lbs immediately after starting strength training and has not really fluctuated from that. Once it went down 2 lbs, to be only 6 lbs up, but I haven't seen that in a while. So I'm still waiting for it to go back down. I weigh everyday. Weighing everyday, even though it's discouraging, keeps me paying better attention to my diary. So I'm not going to stop weighing.

    I'm starting to believe I'm one of those poor unfortunate souls who won't see real results for like 3 months. I'm clinging to blind faith.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    How overweight are you?

    When you are in the morbidly obese to obese catagory and you start lifting weight will pour off you. When you are really close to finally stepping out of that obese catagory and into overweight, everything seems to come to a grinding halt. It isn't because you are still building strength.

    :sad: The folloiwng is conjecture not experience :sad:
    when you are close to the overweight- fit line, you probably need to start with the cut, bulk cycling.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    How overweight are you?
    According to MFP, I'm obese. I weighed in at 201.2 this morning. I'm 5'8.

    Weight has never poured off me. I saw some 2 lbs per week losses in the beginning. Only a few times, tho.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    When you are in the morbidly obese to obese catagory and you start lifting weight will pour off you.

    This is what's so frustrating. I'm in the obese category, too. It's pouring off of others but not me. Although, it seems I've got good company...
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    I wish I could give you guys some advice but I don't really have any. I've felt like this sooo many times. No numerical progress at all, the only thing I have is pictures which, depending on the angle, can be awesome or a complete horror show.

    I just keep doing what I've been told will work and hope that the progress will be significant enough that I won't be able to deny it as some kind of camera trickery.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I just keep doing what I've been told will work and hope that the progress will be significant enough that I won't be able to deny it as some kind of camera trickery.
    WORD! I'm committed to the program. I'm committed to my food diary. I've got 8 more weeks. But I doubt I'll ever stop lifting heavy. If I never lose another ounce, I like this feeling too much. I'm just HOPING beyond hope that it eventually starts working, and I can be a success story, too!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    When you are in the morbidly obese to obese catagory and you start lifting weight will pour off you.

    This is what's so frustrating. I'm in the obese category, too. It's pouring off of others but not me. Although, it seems I've got good company...

    Ohhhh ladies. I have been there. It is frustrating. Sooo frustrating. Jamie - I'd give your measurements 2 more weeks if you can stand to.

    EVERYONE gains lbs while lifting -some people have it drop back off again after a few weeks but some people hold onto it until they take a rest week. My tiny little 100-120 lb girlfriends gain like 2-4 lbs so if you are double that I don't think its unreasonable to think you'd gain more than that.

    have you been taking photos too? sometimes even measurements lie - my waist and belly measurements fluctuate a full inch just from things like eating a large meal or being a bit backed up.

    Photos do not lie. There is also this kind of weird phenomena where your belly will look flatter but the measurement won't change and your weight won't drop.

    Also - if you just increased your calories as well, its normal for your weight to spike up as much as 5lbs. Of the ladies I know that have done it 3-6 weeks seems to be normal to see that number start to fall.

    So I mean if its going to discourage you, I'd say just wait.

    But aside from all that -try to focus on some of the amazing fitness gains you've made. if someone had told you you could bend over and pick up 100 lbs straight off the ground would have you believed them a month ago? (or whatever).

    Whatever you do - DON'T stress out about it. Nothing causes scale gain and bloat like stress. Keep calm and carry on.
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    K I just went and did a look through of my food for the last couple weeks - I'm consistently over my carbs by anywhere from 40-80. My sugar is over every day. Usually by a lot. There's no fixing that. If I have to give up my junk food I'd rather just have the first 28ish lbs back. My protein is between 65 and 100 every day and my fats are usually around what they should be.

    I drink 2 710ml bottles of water a day at work (I dunno what that works out to in oz) and I drink at least 2 glasses at night and take a glass to bed to sip through the night.

    I'm weighing between 163 and 166 any given day (lowest is usually the 3rd morning after last lift day (i.e. I life M W F afternoons and Monday mornings I weigh the least). So I'm about 30lbs from being in a healthy weight catagory for my height (5'2).
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    When you are in the morbidly obese to obese catagory and you start lifting weight will pour off you.

    This is what's so frustrating. I'm in the obese category, too. It's pouring off of others but not me. Although, it seems I've got good company...

    Ohhhh ladies. I have been there. It is frustrating. Sooo frustrating. Jamie - I'd give your measurements 2 more weeks if you can stand to.

    EVERYONE gains lbs while lifting -some people have it drop back off again after a few weeks but some people hold onto it until they take a rest week. My tiny little 100-120 lb girlfriends gain like 2-4 lbs so if you are double that I don't think its unreasonable to think you'd gain more than that.

    have you been taking photos too? sometimes even measurements lie - my waist and belly measurements fluctuate a full inch just from things like eating a large meal or being a bit backed up.

    Photos do not lie. There is also this kind of weird phenomena where your belly will look flatter but the measurement won't change and your weight won't drop.

    Also - if you just increased your calories as well, its normal for your weight to spike up as much as 5lbs. Of the ladies I know that have done it 3-6 weeks seems to be normal to see that number start to fall.

    So I mean if its going to discourage you, I'd say just wait.

    But aside from all that -try to focus on some of the amazing fitness gains you've made. if someone had told you you could bend over and pick up 100 lbs straight off the ground would have you believed them a month ago? (or whatever).

    Whatever you do - DON'T stress out about it. Nothing causes scale gain and bloat like stress. Keep calm and carry on.

    I have been taking pictures - but the last ones were 4 weeks ago. I can't wait another 2 weeks. I'll DIE! And I've been eating at higher calories (i.e. over 1700) for at least 2 months now, so my body is used to that by now.

    I just want these pictures to be PH-FRIGGING-ENOMENAL.

    I'll even post them on Tuesday so you can all judge.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    30lbs to goal is going to be tough. At least for beaverages try using stevia, its natural and it actually helps keep blood sugar in check. DON'T use Truvia or Purvia though, they have sugar alchahols in them. Try Stevia in the Raw, Sweet leave or Pure Via.

    I measure on the morning of my 2nd day off before I've eaten or drank anything and after the potty. I've sometimes weighed on the 3rd day at the same time and under same conditions and dropped even more, but that is on a workday (usually) so I don't whip out the measuring tape.

    I think mentally you sometimes have to cycle through the dieting part. I get really tired of tracking and being strict, and so I slack and unfortunately it shows.

    A recent study indicates that people who eat chocolate daily, keep their weight down, there is a threshold where the calories involved will impact negatively, but otherwise the type or amount didn't seem to matter. I think they said it helped with saety and with actually helps with metabolism. If you are a Dark chocolate freak like me, that's even better, less sugar and the taste is more satisfying so it takes less to make you feel better. It actually increases Seratonin (the happy hormone!) in the brain.

    Oh and 12 weeks is not the stopping point ladies, you should keep going and progressing, I'll check the data again but it's like after a few deloads you switch to 3x5, that is 3 sets 5 reps and keep increasing weight. That table that was posted should help you to determine when you should move to that. Then most of the guys on the 5x5 thread in the forums said to move to "MadCow" I have no idea what that is, or you could start adding in ISOs at higher reps at that point depending on your goals, or go to maintainance and kick up the cardio.

    Oh my loose plan for myself is to move to the 3x5 eventually, add in HIIT at some point and then try to just start moving to focusing more on fun things like bellydance, kyaking, hiking, skiiing, biking etc.