The Shoes...

eskimozie Posts: 4 Member
Not the biggest problem when it comes to being an overweight bride...but still... I have to spend most of the afternoon and evening in pair of shoes and finding ones that I can even wedge my wide, square feet into is going to be as big a challenge as the dress!

Mother suggested I start doing foot exercises to get them in shape...I'm pretty sure she wasn’t joking. Has anyone ever discovered an activity that resulted in thinner or more toned feet and ankles?


  • MrsDouglas2U
    MrsDouglas2U Posts: 38 Member
    Good question.. I haven't come across that one yet! May want to try google'ing it ..LET US know what you find out! GOOD LUCK
  • Cravenamanda
    Cravenamanda Posts: 54 Member
    Walk like crazy! I have long finger toes that ruin any chances for normal shoes. I am pushing the 11.5- 12 shoe size:( I do get lucky at payless sometimes (found cute white and black wedges in my size that would be appropriate for the engagement dinner and parties:) and I can ALWAYS find online printable coupons to use. Good luck on your search