foods americans mention a lot can we get them here too?



  • elka67
    elka67 Posts: 268 Member
    I want to find spaghetti squash but have never seen it here.

    They are easy to grow, if you can grow marrow you can grow these. I used to years ago

    But TBH they are about as tasty as marrows [same family] and are PIA to prepare and end result is absolutely nothing like spaghetti except in looks, nil taste, needs loads of sauce.

    You are missing nothing at all
    Much like the 0cal noodles then, they're tasteless and have a nasty texture like eating rubber.
    Thanks for your input, guess if I actually ever see it on the shelves I'll probably be tempted to try it but won't go to any efforts to find it.
    Never eaten a marrow before but love regular butternut squashes so had hoped the flavour might be similar.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Tesco had unsweetened almond milk when I was looking a while ago.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member

    The carton is £2.89 at my Sainsburys. I've also seen them at Waitrose. You get loads in the carton though. Unless you have a lot of omelettes it's a lot to use up in a week!

    good to know this thanks :D
    I looked at the price (sure it was nearer £4 in my local sainsburys though :( also worth noting only the larger Sainsburys stores seem to have them the weird nearly full size but not quite don't) and went ughh no... mostly because I wasnt sure how long it would last, definitely going to grab some next time because I HATE egg yolks!

    Pretty sure I saw natural nut butters in coop other day... was waiting for mum to finish on the phone stood right by them remember thinking it was different...