New and Discouraged

Ok I am new to the site and this group. I am a 28yr old non mom, divorced (I do have a wounderful boyfriend though), a retuning student, and I work a horrible dead end job. I don't have any friends on this site yet, apparently all my friends are skinny and don't need this site. I however do, I am on day three of my diet and I am feeling discouraged. It looks like it will be forever before I meet my first goal weight which I hope is just a jumping off point, I'm hungery, tired and I want food. Any tips


  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    Welcome to the group! Just about everyone feels discouraged at the beginning, but take heart -- you will get there! As for feeling hungry and tired, I can totally relate. When I first started watching my calories, I felt like I would die of hunger. Your body does eventually adjust to the change in caloric intake -- it took mine about a month. Space out your meals and snacks throughout the day. Even when I was only eating 1200 calories a day, I was eating every 3-4 hours. Eat plenty of protein and fiber to fill you up, and don't go below the number of net calories that MFP has set for you. Losing weight slowly, about a pound a week, is the best way to go to keep the weight off. Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • JWmovin4ward
    JWmovin4ward Posts: 195 Member
    don't give up... I second what basschick has said & make water your new best friend. it can take a while to get used to be drink water before you eat & when you are hungry drink water as chances are you are thirsty... stick with it, it work :flowerforyou: