Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
From the cleft of the Pass, Sam looks back. Hearing orcs, he puts on the Ring. When orcs reach Frodo, Sam rushes back.


  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    I have done the twelve bonus miles for Gollum and the five bonus miles for Sam. Frodo, Sam and I are in MORDOR!! We hear water trickling from a gully on our left.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Still in Mordor. A ridge stands 1500 feet above the plain. The plain is crawling with enemies. We can see Mount Doom 40 miles away.
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 232 Member
    I am now in Lothlorien...will be heading toward Rauros.

    I cannot believe you are in MORDOR. You Rock!
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 325! We hear orc scouts and hide behind a bush. We learn news of Gollum. The light is fading as we hide.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 331...we are continuing in the dark along the eastern edge of the valley. Will our journey ever end??
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 335. I have stepped in a stagnant pool of water that I did not see in the dark. Yuck!
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 344. I'm sleepy, so I'm going to hide for awhile.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 346. Had to stop and eat. It's too bad all the food that Faramir gave us is gone. It's pretty dark now so it should be safe for us to move.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 352. Still crawling along. Can't believe I've only gone six miles in three months. We have a brief halt and then another six miles to go!
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 358. We're taking another brief stop to rest before continuing the journey.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 364. The ring is becoming such a burden for Frodo that we have to stop for a another short rest.
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    How exciting, you are getting SO close!
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 371. Everyone is tired and sleepy. There is a strong wind out of the west. Sam managed to find some water but also saw that sneaky Gollum! Everyone better be on their guard!
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 380. We've been spotted by Orcs! Luckily for us, they think we're deserters and have forced us to join their march. We have to think of a way to escape and continue our journey, not to mention getting away from the smell of Orcs!!!! Phew!!!
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 391. We managed to escape the Orcs. We spent a cold night in a shallow pit. It's now morning. We see nothing but ashes, and dust, and pits! We are crawling from hollow to hollow. Trying to get to the foothills to the north.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 405. We haven't seen anyone since escaping the Orcs. We've returned to the road and are headed east. We need to rest for awhile and then find some water.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 416. We've stopped and are camping a little ways off the road. We can hear troops moving during the night.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Mile 424. We found a cistern with some muddy water in the bottom. We're so thirsty we drink it and fill our water bottles. Who knows when we'll find water again. Eat a little.
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    Jaessa! You are making great progress.
  • Eldee36
    Eldee36 Posts: 109 Member
    We cheer you on! :)