
well recently diagnosed with PCOS feel so down since i am trying for a baby for a long time had irregular cycles and weight problems doctors said my chances of conceiving on my own are not that good :-( they huv put me on glucophage for few months to see how my system response on that need to loose a lot of weight and have a good healthy life style.kind of sad but motivated that hopefully my healthy life style and exercise would help me on its on.just need to know are there any other members like me trying to conceive and loose weight with PCOS ????? it seems so hard


  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member

    I was also recently diagnosed and have started metformin (also known as Glucophage) last week. I have a five-year-old daughter conceived naturally after a year of trying. However, during that year I was tested for PCOS and found to have a borderline case of it. I've since been told that it was a miracle that I conceived at all. We were/are trying again but now that I know this about my health, we've decided to focus on that for awhile. Just wanted to let you know that I'm right there with you!

  • miminoony
    Thank u so much so good to know that i am not alone on this .....well we r still tying more then a year now.rite now putting my focus only on weight loss and healthy eating i hope to have some miracle on that at least i feel good and light haven't checked my weight yet :blushing: just keeping my fingers Cross..
  • robynj88
    robynj88 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm recently diagnosed and on Metformin as well. Not trying to conceive but my doctor did tell me when she gave me the tablets that if we weren't trying to be extra careful as it can make you very fertile! I'd agree with what you're saying though, focus on the weight loss and eating healthy and the other things should come along as a by-product. Stress doesn't help when it comes to trying to conceive anyway so try not to worry about it too much.