Extensive Tips on Blending Healthy Smoothies
Posts: 2
ou should blend all ingredients in a smoothie machine and you will get a thick, smooth texture, which is very nutritious, vitalizing, and has an alkaline effect on your body.
For blending healthy smoothies, you can use all different edible fruits and vegetables.
Additionally, in your smoothie blender you should also perfectly blend various health nutritional supplements, such as nuts, seeds, sweeteners (honey, aloe vera syrup, maple syrup), yoghurt, sour milk, pot cheese, ice cream, oils, etc. and ice cubes, too.
When checking different blender types and models you should be cautious. You should know the criteria, which should determine the proper blender type and model for you.
For blending healthy smoothies, we have used for many years our old jug blender model with motor power 600 W. Only after webought a new bigger, more sophisticated countertop blender with much more powerful motor, we have realized the big advantages that our new food blender offers us.
Nevertheless, you can choose among two basic blender types; immersion blenders (hand blenders) and countertop blenders (jug blenders). Food processors are a special category.
Tip 2 - The Importance of Raw Food for Our Health
For blending healthy smoothies, you will need some time and effort. First of all, you will need fresh fruit and vegetables or they should at least be suitably stored and kept.
You should use ecologically grown and pesticides-free vegetable and fruits. Only in such way, you will be able to enjoy all advantages of organic food.
The best you can do is to simply go to your organic vegetable garden and pick up fresh organic vegetable and fruit whenever you like.
Or go to the nature, to the woods or meadows and pick edible wild plants and herbs like dandelion, nettles, wild garlic, hop sprouts … So not only do you get the organic health food, you can also enjoy a genuine contact with the soil and the beneficial recreation in the fresh air, outdoors.
In such fresh fruits and vegetables there are the biggest amounts of anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals; the majority of healthy fruit and vegetable nutritional value.
Maybe growing organic vegetables is impossible for you, not even in your indoor vegetable garden! Yet, there is a solution. In organic stores, you will surely find a proper quality.
In any case, fruits and vegetables for blending healthy smoothies should be seasonal and locally grown. In such way, they are really fresh and, what is more, the price is lower.
Of course, according to the taste, you can always use properly stored exotic vegetables and fruits, too.
For blending healthy smoothies, you may use all kinds of different healthy fruits and all parts of veggies, also green vegetables, from root to leaves.
Besides vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, in green leaves of root vegetables (carrot, beet, turnip, kale …), there is also a textured vegetable protein, which replaces meat protein, and an enormous amount of chlorophyll.
Hint: Where we live, there is not a big offer of fresh organic vegetables and fruits available in the wintertime. So, when blending healthy smoothies then, we enrich the taste of winter vegetables and fruits with frozen fruits and vegetables. We get them by freezing vegetables and fruits from our backyard vegetable garden or from the woods. Nutritional value of such frozen fruits and vegetables is still much better than of those “fresh” which we can get in our stores.
Healthy Raw Vegan Smoothies, juices, elixirs, drinks and more raw food recipes
Tip 3 - Wash, Clean, Peel, Chop, and Blend
• Fruit and veg, which are meant for blending healthy smoothies, must be properly cleaned and washed. For washing, you can use special organic preparations, which remove almost all “filth” from the surface, including harmful chemical substances.
• Peeling fruits and vegetables is not necessary. Natural and organic fruits and vegetables are blended completely, with the peelings.
That is a big advantage since under and in the peels there are the majority of healthy nutritious substances. By peeling, the nutritional values of fruits and vegetables are reduced and you cannot enjoy the benefits of healthy smoothies completely.
Of course, you have to peel fruit and veg with thicker peels, which could even damage your smoothie blender (like a pineapple, a watermelon, a banana, a pomegranate …) and you should remove peels with bitter taste (an orange, a lemon …).
• Small seeds from vegetables (such as a cucumber, a pumpkin…) and fruits (such as a watermelon, a pear, an apple, a citrus…) are a rich source of nutritional substances.
Therefore, for blending healthy smoothies they should not be removed, they should be blended too. However, maybe you will not like some tastes (citrus seeds are for instance bitter) so you have to be cautious. Blend and try, and you for sure will find out the best ratio for you.
Nevertheless, small seeds cannot be blended properly in smoothie blenders with weak motor power. This is another good reason why you should get yourself a blender model with min. 1.000W. If more, even better.
• Hard stones must be removed from fruits (cherries, a peach, an apricot...) since they would damage your smoothie machine.
• Before blending healthy smoothies, you should chop fruits and veggies to convenient pieces, which influence the blending time. In order to prevent the extensive heating of a smoothie blender and so the reduction of the nutritional value of smoothies, the blending time must not be too long.
More powerful the smoothie machine is, shorter the blending process time is and more healthy nutritious substances are preserved.
• You should not put too many ingredients into a fruit machine atthe same time. You should add the cut up fruit and vegetables gradually, piece by piece.
• It is necessary to blend all of the components to a liquid form, to the smallest pieces possible. For easier blending healthy smoothies, you should add some liquid such as living water, coconut water, orange juice, apple juice, green tea, soya, or rice milk…
Try to add a cup or two, depending on how smooth you would like your smoothie to be.
Instead of some liquid, you can add ice cubes, which will refresh the taste of your healthy smoothies.
• For blending healthy smoothies, you should mix fruit and vegetable.
For the beginning, until you get used to the taste, you should begin with blending 60% of fresh edible fruits and 40% of green leafy vegetables. After some time, according to your taste, you can add more greens.
For blending healthy smoothies, you can use all different edible fruits and vegetables.
Additionally, in your smoothie blender you should also perfectly blend various health nutritional supplements, such as nuts, seeds, sweeteners (honey, aloe vera syrup, maple syrup), yoghurt, sour milk, pot cheese, ice cream, oils, etc. and ice cubes, too.
When checking different blender types and models you should be cautious. You should know the criteria, which should determine the proper blender type and model for you.
For blending healthy smoothies, we have used for many years our old jug blender model with motor power 600 W. Only after webought a new bigger, more sophisticated countertop blender with much more powerful motor, we have realized the big advantages that our new food blender offers us.
Nevertheless, you can choose among two basic blender types; immersion blenders (hand blenders) and countertop blenders (jug blenders). Food processors are a special category.
Tip 2 - The Importance of Raw Food for Our Health
For blending healthy smoothies, you will need some time and effort. First of all, you will need fresh fruit and vegetables or they should at least be suitably stored and kept.
You should use ecologically grown and pesticides-free vegetable and fruits. Only in such way, you will be able to enjoy all advantages of organic food.
The best you can do is to simply go to your organic vegetable garden and pick up fresh organic vegetable and fruit whenever you like.
Or go to the nature, to the woods or meadows and pick edible wild plants and herbs like dandelion, nettles, wild garlic, hop sprouts … So not only do you get the organic health food, you can also enjoy a genuine contact with the soil and the beneficial recreation in the fresh air, outdoors.
In such fresh fruits and vegetables there are the biggest amounts of anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals; the majority of healthy fruit and vegetable nutritional value.
Maybe growing organic vegetables is impossible for you, not even in your indoor vegetable garden! Yet, there is a solution. In organic stores, you will surely find a proper quality.
In any case, fruits and vegetables for blending healthy smoothies should be seasonal and locally grown. In such way, they are really fresh and, what is more, the price is lower.
Of course, according to the taste, you can always use properly stored exotic vegetables and fruits, too.
For blending healthy smoothies, you may use all kinds of different healthy fruits and all parts of veggies, also green vegetables, from root to leaves.
Besides vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, in green leaves of root vegetables (carrot, beet, turnip, kale …), there is also a textured vegetable protein, which replaces meat protein, and an enormous amount of chlorophyll.
Hint: Where we live, there is not a big offer of fresh organic vegetables and fruits available in the wintertime. So, when blending healthy smoothies then, we enrich the taste of winter vegetables and fruits with frozen fruits and vegetables. We get them by freezing vegetables and fruits from our backyard vegetable garden or from the woods. Nutritional value of such frozen fruits and vegetables is still much better than of those “fresh” which we can get in our stores.
Healthy Raw Vegan Smoothies, juices, elixirs, drinks and more raw food recipes
Tip 3 - Wash, Clean, Peel, Chop, and Blend
• Fruit and veg, which are meant for blending healthy smoothies, must be properly cleaned and washed. For washing, you can use special organic preparations, which remove almost all “filth” from the surface, including harmful chemical substances.
• Peeling fruits and vegetables is not necessary. Natural and organic fruits and vegetables are blended completely, with the peelings.
That is a big advantage since under and in the peels there are the majority of healthy nutritious substances. By peeling, the nutritional values of fruits and vegetables are reduced and you cannot enjoy the benefits of healthy smoothies completely.
Of course, you have to peel fruit and veg with thicker peels, which could even damage your smoothie blender (like a pineapple, a watermelon, a banana, a pomegranate …) and you should remove peels with bitter taste (an orange, a lemon …).
• Small seeds from vegetables (such as a cucumber, a pumpkin…) and fruits (such as a watermelon, a pear, an apple, a citrus…) are a rich source of nutritional substances.
Therefore, for blending healthy smoothies they should not be removed, they should be blended too. However, maybe you will not like some tastes (citrus seeds are for instance bitter) so you have to be cautious. Blend and try, and you for sure will find out the best ratio for you.
Nevertheless, small seeds cannot be blended properly in smoothie blenders with weak motor power. This is another good reason why you should get yourself a blender model with min. 1.000W. If more, even better.
• Hard stones must be removed from fruits (cherries, a peach, an apricot...) since they would damage your smoothie machine.
• Before blending healthy smoothies, you should chop fruits and veggies to convenient pieces, which influence the blending time. In order to prevent the extensive heating of a smoothie blender and so the reduction of the nutritional value of smoothies, the blending time must not be too long.
More powerful the smoothie machine is, shorter the blending process time is and more healthy nutritious substances are preserved.
• You should not put too many ingredients into a fruit machine atthe same time. You should add the cut up fruit and vegetables gradually, piece by piece.
• It is necessary to blend all of the components to a liquid form, to the smallest pieces possible. For easier blending healthy smoothies, you should add some liquid such as living water, coconut water, orange juice, apple juice, green tea, soya, or rice milk…
Try to add a cup or two, depending on how smooth you would like your smoothie to be.
Instead of some liquid, you can add ice cubes, which will refresh the taste of your healthy smoothies.
• For blending healthy smoothies, you should mix fruit and vegetable.
For the beginning, until you get used to the taste, you should begin with blending 60% of fresh edible fruits and 40% of green leafy vegetables. After some time, according to your taste, you can add more greens.
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