How many cals are you eating?

bsinno Posts: 344 Member
arg. i am stuggeling with this. mfp set me at 1200 but ive been reading about how that is no bueno when you are exercising - the whole "starvation mode" thing.

i dont feel like im starving myself though...and im way nervous to up my daily cal intake officially...



  • KM1970
    KM1970 Posts: 20 Member
    I am eating around 1500 calories a day...I upped my calories in March(I was at 1200) and I have lost 9 pounds.
  • dsengel01
    dsengel01 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 5'10 @ 190 lbs - I figured my BMR was 1666 so I'm trying really hard to stay above that but below my TDEE of 2582. I usually end up netting @ 1800-1900 calories.

    I feel like I'm eating a lot and am sometimes struggling to get that in. I wasn't losing weight at all when I was netting 1400 so I slowly bumped myself up. Still not seeing a loss but I'm blaming that on JM's videos. I guess time will tell if my new plan works.
  • lvondy
    lvondy Posts: 76 Member
    I eat around 1800 a day but thinking about increasing.
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    I was eatting 1200 a day, but recently bumped it up to around 1490. (My BMR is only 1381). After one week, I had dropped 4lbs. It was TOUGH to increase my intake, as it was hard to understand how eatting more would equate to weight loss. My mind still isn't totally on board, but so far the results are speaking for themselves. I will be honest and say that I do struggle to meet my goal - and my diary will show that. I always feel so full :ohwell:
  • kaylyngt
    kaylyngt Posts: 53
    MFP started me at around 1600. I lost 30 pounds fairly quickly but wasn't exercising. Then MFP asked me to reevaluate my calories so I did and it lowered my calories to about 1300. I also started exercising about this time...I have gained 4 pounds back. One of my friends posted this article a little while ago and I followed the formula there and increased my calories back up to where they were before. It's only been a couple of days so I can't give you any results, but I feel better. Hopefully I'll have some good results in a couple of days to prove that it works. But you can read the post and see what you think.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    I was eatting 1200 a day, but recently bumped it up to around 1490. (My BMR is only 1381). After one week, I had dropped 4lbs. It was TOUGH to increase my intake, as it was hard to understand how eatting more would equate to weight loss. My mind still isn't totally on board, but so far the results are speaking for themselves. I will be honest and say that I do struggle to meet my goal - and my diary will show that. I always feel so full :ohwell:

    THIS. its such a mental thing, but im determined to do this *right*

    @kaylyngt - great link, thank you. i've heard it a zillion times before but this was by far the easiest to follow LOL!!!

    i've upped my cals a bit - probably not "enough" but baby steps!!
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm 5'10", 158lbs. I eat between 1650-1800 cals per day. The first 10 pounds of my weight loss was on 1200 calories and I got burned out...the next 12lbs were eating above 1650 cals everyday. I just moved up to 1800 last week, but I haven't gained anything so that's a good thing!
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    Glad to see others are having good results on higher cals. I have been at 1280 since I started a few months ago. I immediately lost 5 pounds and have stalled. I upped mine to 1500-1600 and hope to get good results. I certainly feel much better!!
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    I was eatting 1200 a day, but recently bumped it up to around 1490. (My BMR is only 1381). After one week, I had dropped 4lbs. It was TOUGH to increase my intake, as it was hard to understand how eatting more would equate to weight loss. My mind still isn't totally on board, but so far the results are speaking for themselves. I will be honest and say that I do struggle to meet my goal - and my diary will show that. I always feel so full :ohwell:

    THIS. its such a mental thing, but im determined to do this *right*

    @kaylyngt - great link, thank you. i've heard it a zillion times before but this was by far the easiest to follow LOL!!!

    i've upped my cals a bit - probably not "enough" but baby steps!!

    It truly is a mental thing. Sometimes we're our own worst enemies lol.

    I just wanted to add, don't let MFPs "projected weight loss" have much weight in your decision either. At 1200 calories it told me I should lose 1.6lbs a week. Yes, I did lose alot the first few weeks (water weight I believe), BUT I ended up getting no loss to maybe a pound a week. After upping my calories to around 1490, it projects 0.9lbs a week... and I lost 4lbs the first week.

    Also, don't read too many posts about the subject. The information gets confusing. Stick with a source you trust, and go from there. If you do end up changing your intake, don't get discouraged after a week if the scale isn't showing you what you want to see. Give yourself a few weeks for your body to adjust and then tweak it as you see fit.