Back on and WORKING it!!!!

So I fizzled out 4 months ago, I let my anxiety of self accomplishment get the better of me, and I just resorted to the familiar....I made a mistake!!! I did exactly what I was trying not to do and ended up gaining all my weight back and then some. I am under supervised Dr care due to my extreme low amount of calories, 1000-1500 and only going to be on this for a few weeks, and then once I am able to move more, I will add 1500-2200 calories, and my weight loss will slow down I am sure, but I will be able to work out and work towards the weight loss....I am doing this to jump start the weight loss and then learn to keep it off!!! I am looking for motivated friends to do this with me...I am all alone here on my weight loss, I am the only family member with a weight problem so I am literally on my own...hubby is an enabler who jumps at my request for junk food. So I have to keep myself in check!!!


  • anewlife4me8610
    anewlife4me8610 Posts: 91 Member
    so I fizzled out again and regained all my weight....but I am back and feeling great!! I just joined the year long challenge and I cant wait to see what I can change this year!!! I am doing a restriction again but staying at or just below 1200 and so far so good....I just need to keep vigilant and I know this is going to be a great new year!!!