Hello :-)

I'm new to this site and to this group .My name is Summer and I'm from CT.I have 2 wonderful kids Zack 17 and Katie 10.I also have My DH Phil.I joined because my friend and neighbor suggested the site.It seems to be working for her so it's worth a shot.I've been very unhappy with my weight for the past 10 yrs and need to lose it(45 lbs)Well,I look forward to making some new friends on here and reaching our goals together.GOD bless


  • davists
    davists Posts: 67
    Welcome. You will find lots of encouragement here. I'm glad you found us.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.

    With God all things are possible.
  • SummerMarie77
    SummerMarie77 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you,I will add you for sure :-)
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Hi! :) I am working on losing about 30-35 more pounds. I've broken my goal down into mini goals. Feel free to add me if you want.

    p.s. My ticker says 6lbs lost, but that is just since joining MFP. I have lost a total of 46lbs since January (I gave birth).
  • TiredandReadyForLoss
    TiredandReadyForLoss Posts: 41 Member
    I have also broken down my goals to lose too. I am down 26 pounds and want to lose another 24 and then possibly another 10! I want to see how I look/feel when I lose the next 24 lbs. =0)
    Please add me if you would like....God Bless & keep on keeping on!
  • Hi Summer, i am new to this site as well! Feel free to add me and we will keep each other encouraged and uplifted on our weight loss journey.
    Abundant Blessings
  • Ksumare
    Ksumare Posts: 63 Member
    God is so good, I am so blessed everytime a new lady joins our group, it only makes us stronger. be blessed! Feel free to also add me as a friend.
  • SummerMarie77
    SummerMarie77 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all for your replies !!! I will be adding you as friends :-) I love the mini goal idea ! It makes it a little less overwhelming I think.This is one reason why it's great to make friends on the same journey.You can share ideas and things and encourage one another.Well,congrats on the lbs lost and keep up the good work !