Is it bad that...

I never track my exercise. I lift weights 3 days a week and do cardio on those days as well or go on the off days and do an hour of cardio on those days... I don't add the calories back or track how much I burn, though I know when I do cardio alone it is 600-1200 calories every time.

I just wonder if it is a negative to not follow it.


  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I really do not know. I do know that if I could get myself to exercise I would track it. The more data you have the more trends good and bad you may see. Right now I'm am stuck on my weight. I know I need exercise. I am going to go through my food tracking and see if I see anything that points to why I'm not losing lbs. If I had exercise data it might be helpful also.
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
    I think it would be better if you tracked it to have a better assessment of how you're doing. But I don't think it's necessarily bad. I think tracking your eating is way more important than exercise. If you're eating under your calorie goal then I would think that the extra calories burned through exercise would just be a bonus.
  • ScottFree_66
    ScottFree_66 Posts: 200
    I haven't been tracking any exercise I do... mainly because I haven't been very consistant at it.

    I'm fairly new to this site, so I have had initial success that is due to a change in my eating habits. I have found keeping track of my nutrition to the most usefull and beneficial. Giving up fast food for fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats.

    For me it's all about results, on the scale and in the wardrobe. If I don't track my exercise, it will still be reflected in weightloss. Once I start exercising on a consistant basis I will probably record it on my diary.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    You've clearly had a lot of success without doing it, so I would say it obviously works for you. It would never work for me though. Logging those calories burned helps me keep perspective on my diet.

    Every time I feel tempted to eat that cheeseburger or whatever other crap I want, I know EXACTLY how much hard work I'm undoing by taking it in. Sometimes I find it worth it, sometimes I don't....but I like being able to have the value of those calories fresh on my mind.

    Hah, on my daily walk after work I pass a Five Guys. I think to myself. Oh look chubby, you just burned off 1/2 of a small cheeseburger..... DAMN YOU 5GUYS