Finding the Time to Get Fit



  • BodyCombatGirl73
    BodyCombatGirl73 Posts: 96 Member
    See post above.
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    I'm a happy mother of 2 beautiful children ages 6 and 8.....My days are so full from work getting my child to PT then home to cook-help with homework-bath time-story/prayer....then to clean the kitchen make lunches for the next day try to fit in some laundry...It is a challenge fitting in a workout for myself.....I love reading all the post here and have found some great ideas to try myself.
    One thing I have started to do and it is helping a great deal is to make (try to at least) 4 meals on the weekend. That way all I have to do is warm dinner up...

    Love the idea about pre sorting laundry, will give that one a try
  • erin_k2012
    erin_k2012 Posts: 6
    Ok, So Summer is almost here. I am not taking any classes over the summer. I somehow managed to get A's in both my nutrition and abnormal psych classes. I am taking 3 classes in the fall. I cancelled my cable and have been outside almost everyday with the kids since and it is wonderful. I am thankful that today is raining because I needed an excuse on my "day off" to be "lazy". Only did 4 loads of laundry and dishes and ran some errands in between the downpours. It is funny how when we women say we are having a lazy day we still accomplish most everything we do on a normal day. lol. Oh, I thought that I would share this with all of you. I thought it was inspirational.
  • TarynLgh
    TarynLgh Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I'm Taryn. I have 4 kids ages 6, 3, 3 (twins) and 1. I've been married for almost 9 years. My husband works out of town a lot so that leaves me with the kids by myself almost all of the time to handle everything with school, activities and normal stuff like meals and cleaning. My husband owns a company that I do the bookkeeping for and I own and operate my own company entirely. Plus, I'm taking photography courses to have something else to fall back on when the kids are all in school. Oh, and we are building a house this summer so that adds on a lot of extra work to be done around here. :P

    I'm usually up extremely late since it's so hard to actually work during the day with the kids and all of the places we have to be. I will soon be getting my treadmill here at the new house. So, I'm hoping to be able to squeeze in time on that at night. I like the idea of organizing to make things easier and more automatic instead of having to make time for laundry and such. I used to be devoted to Wii fit every day. It may not have been much, but better than nothing. So, I want to get back on that too.
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Wow, you are all doing amazing things! A lot of inspiration here, and I so admire those of you w/more than multiple kids...I only have 1 amazing, beautiful 5yr old, and find myself not knowing what day it is at times trying to keep up with everything between her, hubby, work, and life in general.

    For me, I had to finally just be a little selfish and trust hubby was going to get whatever needed to be done for himself and DD while I took some me time to work out 3 days/week right after work. I learned taking classes were way more beneficial for me than going to the guy or doing stuff on my own...I committed to a 5:15p spin class Mon/Wed/Fri right after work, no going home in between (I would never be motivated to go if I went home first), and it feels wonderful! That's pretty much my "me time", and the selfishness is paying off in my weight loss, health, and overall attitude. Makes for a much happier mommy!

    On the weekends we make time to get out of the house as a family and walk, go the park, etc. Desperately trying to teach my daughter the importance of moving and being active, and the fun we can have together outside. This doesn't always happen, sometimes life gets in the way, but I also found for me it's ok if I can't get in exercise everyday, committing to class 3x a week, and something on the weekends is pretty darn good.
  • Thanks for the invite. Mainly trying to drop 10-15 pounds and bring back some muscle tone and overall fitness into my life. Being a parent has really sapped my time and energy and over time has been making me feel really tired and down. Also it might be the fact that my mid-thirties are finally catching up with me.

    I appreciate any tips or suggestions.

    Thank you all.
  • XLMuffnTop
    XLMuffnTop Posts: 76 Member
    From now until May, all I can do is eat the best I can and get in an hour of exercise Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My schedule sucks! After work, then school then homework, I go to bed about midnight or 1, then wake up at 5:30 to get to work by 7am. Two days a week my husband is able to take the kids to school so I have slightly less to stress over on those days.

    I'm trying to prep and freeze a weeks worth of meals on the weekend. Then I can just thaw and throw in the crock pot in the morning. My house only gets cleaned on the weekend aside from the dishes. That's just how it HAS to be for now. :) Make do!
  • Br4ndi
    Br4ndi Posts: 177
    I get up at 4:45 to work out. I have 2 kids to get ready and out the doory by 7:30. I get off work at 4:30 and home by 5. Laundry, hlep with homework and general house cleaning until 6:30, then I start dinner. I am on the go until 8pm every night. That is my stop time, no matter what else we stop. Its my husband and my time together.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Time management is so difficult with our busy lives. I hear it from everyone and I go through it myself as well sometimes.

    I am 38, wife of 13 years, mother of 2 (9 and 11 yrs old) and I too work full time outside the home. Before I got on my weight loss kick back in August 2009 I too believed that there just weren't enough hours in the day to add in exercise. Boy was I wrong. Once the light went on and I decided to dedicate myself to getting rid of the 7 year old "baby fat" hahaha, I found that not only was there enough time in the day but I had so much extra time to kill. Strange how this happened. I found myself pacing in the living room after the kids went to bed thinking...I'm bored and there is still 2 hours before bed time. It was the weirdest feeling. I found that I was never sitting on the couch anymore watching my shows but instead I was running around constantly getting things done just to burn more calories and take more steps each day. My mom used to make jokes that I was like a cricket bouncing around the

    Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that I was determined to get the weight off and even though there was the same 24 hours in my day as before, I was able to learn how to manage my time better which meant I could do my normal daily things and still have plenty of time to work out.

    I thought about cancelling the cable but my mother lives with us and she almost had a stroke when I mentioned much for that idea
  • bluskies01
    bluskies01 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi everyone, single mom of a 6 year old boy here. I can't call mine baby fat since I lost the baby weight almost instantly, and have since gained almost 100 lbs. :/ I've been put on a medical diet for GERD, and so far I've lost 7 lbs with mostly diet. I have a YMCA membership but it's so hard to find the motivation to go. Hopefully the support on here will help me!
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I don't find the time for exercise. I make the time.

    I set it out ahead of time when I will work out, and stick to it.

    I work FT, have a 6 and 4 year old who are in activities, I'm in a community choir. I do my workouts at home, usually after the kids are in bed, while a load is in the washing machine or the dishawasher is running etc.

    On the week-ends I will sometimes get a workout in before bedtime, and the kids now know that for that 30 minutes they need to play on their own and wait until I am finished to ask me for something.

    Not only am I reaping the benefits of the exercise, but my kids are also learning to be respectful of other people's schedules and that it is perfectly acceptable to take time out of the day to do something for yourself and that others will not be negatively affected by having to wait for you to be finished.
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    Its so nice to see so many other mom's who find/make time for their health! I struggled with this for a while, but I am finally getting back into the swing of things. I work full time outside of the home and have two beautiful little girls, 7 years old and 2 years old. I have to wake up and get them ready for school/daycare in the morning (at two separate locations) and I usually have to pick them both up because their dad works earlier and later than I do. He does help usually once or twice a week, which I LOVE because then I actually make it to the gym!

    We don't get home until 6 or 6:30 in the evening, and then have I have to make dinner, help with homework, get baths taken care of etc. I usually do my workouts after they go to bed which is about 8:30, and I do either DVD's or the Nike circuit training app. I make it to the gym about once a week right after work when their dad can pick them up or on weekends and I am lucky enough to have a flexible job that lets me workout on Wednesday mornings from 9 - 11 am. I do a piloxing class that I just love during that time :)

    I also am very active with my family and friends, we have a great group of people who always get together for birthdays, holidays, special events, etc., so most of my weekends are taken up by one sort of party or another. I should also mention that my girls dad and I are not married yet, but have officially set a date for September 7th of 2013, so I am also trying to plan a wedding amidst the craziness, lol.

    As far as making a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, I think you just have to want it bad enough, if we can do it anyone can!! So glad to be part of a group full of so many strong ladies!! Rock on moms!!