Workouts 1 & 2 Done; Onward and Upward

This morning I completed workout 2 in phase 1 of the BR system and I must say, I'm already feeling and looking stronger. My husband can also tell that I'm working it as he pointed out my slight six pack in my upper abs. He made me look in the mirror since he claims I have "funhouse mirror eyes" whenever I look in the mirror. I took a moment to see exactly what he was talking about and it's slight, but definitely there. I can actually feel my upper abs are tighter, as are my obliques and my butt feels tighter. But what doesn't feel tighter are my clothes. I wore a pair of pants yesterday that are usually somewhat snug around the thighs and butt. I put them on and they are definitely looser. In my first week, I did the 7-day metabolism kickstart diet, going off the rails only two days out of the week to drink wine and beer (I just can't give those things up completely - but I drink moderately). I lost almost 5 pounds. Here's to a couple more pounds lost this week when I weigh on Sunday. And here's to workouts 3 & 4 this next week. I'm loving this program and I intend to fully see a 6 pack by the very end of it!


  • KimmyJ30
    KimmyJ30 Posts: 23 Member
    I did workout 3 of phase 1 today and loved it!! it is definetly a change from the first 2 weeks and i gotta tell you my abs are feeling it right now haha. Can't wait to do it again tomorow. My husband also noticed my abs were tighter as well:) made me feel better about myself and what i'm doing. I never did the 7 day kickstart diet..was it good/worth it? I haven't been following the diet altho i might start making some of the meals here and there as i follow a clean eating diet/lifestyle. Let me know how you like workout 3!
    Oh and how often do you do the cardio?
  • yjdekle
    yjdekle Posts: 12
    She states that 7 day kickstart diet can be done anytime during the 90 days. I must warn you though, it's a strict 1200 calories for the entire 7 days and if you follow it day to day as it's laid out, you will definitely see a drop at the scale. I personally did it at the beginning because I knew that once I started working out everyday, graduating up in workouts, I would require and need more food/calorie intake. So perhaps doing the 7-day kickstart at any point during the 90 days might prove to be a little more challenging? I don't know. Give it a try. Since then, I've been picking and choosing from the Fat Burning Meals cookbook certain meals. The preparation that goes into them is quite time consuming, so I just choose certain ones and do my usual "clean eating" throughout the week. Also, I did not do the cardio in the PM to really kickstart things during that 7 days. I just couldn't find the time with work, little league, homework and cooking dinners/preparing the following day's lunches. I did try to squeeze a jog in a couple of nights during the first week after dinner, but I didn't go very far for very long. By my second and third week (this week), I have not done any additional cardio workouts like I wanted to. I am getting plenty of cardio at work though with climbing up and down two flights of stairs throughout the day. :) Saturdays are my "super Saturday" such that I will do the cardio for 30 minutes and then go jogging with my running group which can be for one hour to an hour and a half. Big calorie burns, more calories to consume. Oddly enough, I never consume them all on this particular day!

    I like the switch up in workout 3. It's a nice change of pace. The one thing though that was tripping me up was using the workout band. I had to rewind that part back because I was having such a hard time getting that band and my legs positioned right. But other than that, it's a nice workout. I am definitely feeling it in my upper arms which is always a female's "problem area" in terms of the strength.