What is the WORST date you have ever been on?!



  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    As we were passing the school in my neighborhood, he tells me "So I should probably tell you something, but I want you to promise you won't freak out.". This is never a good start to any conversation, but I promise him I'll hear him out before I react, at least. "Well.... according to the state of Oklahoma, I'm a sex offender. But I swear she was my girlfriend!"

  • Tracepa98
    Oh goodness where do I begin?!

    I had met a guy through an online site. We were supposed to meet at a bar for a few drinks. I get there and he looks NOTHING like the picture he posted. And for good reason too because I probably wouldn't have met him then. We start playing pool and are having an ok time. He at least had a sense of humor. BUT in one fell swoop I was out the door. When I was in close proximity, he grabs me for kiss without my permission! I wanted to slug the f*cker! I put down my drink and left. Never saw him again thankfully.

    Fast forward a few years. Again, this was an online date experience. I show up at the bowling alley and he has on at least 50lbs than what he pictured. (at least be honest!!) We were supposed to just have a drink. He then springs on me that he hasn't eaten. So now I'm stuck sitting in front of him as he devours a huge basket of chicken wings as he complains about his ex wife. Halfway through i find myself drifting and staring at the TV and i don't even like sports! I finally hit my breaking point, stood up, thanked him for the beer, told him I wasn't feeling well and walked out. He sent me a snotty text later to which I didn't reply.

    Ive had some near misses recently where they kinda went psycho as we were texting and I never set anything up. For example, this one guy got angry with me because i wouldn't send him a sexy pic to add to his caller id. After that he went off the deep end and started spamming my cellphone online. And I mean it was AWFUL! I was getting calls from the local dog kennel, a plastic surgery office, and a plus sized clothing store.

    And people wonder why I'm single! I just don't want to deal with the BS of all the crazies out there!
  • Goldberry77
    I had a date with a guy I had met online, and it was so horrible that I started feeling like I was on a Monty Python skit! :laugh:

    The guy did NOT look like his profile photo.

    Anyway... so he sat down and immediately talked about Oysters. Different kinds of oysters, how to grow oysters, cook oysters, oyster recipes. He talked about oysters for 3-4 hours straight. I couldn't get him off the subject. Then we went to dinner, and while talking about oysters, he began making strange noises and facial expressions. He had a form of teuretts (sp?) He began rocking back and forth. Then while eating his soup, his dentures fell out onto his plate! Then after dinner, he got a big box of wine out of his car and immediately got drunk. I couldn't get rid of him. I finally told him that I had to go to someone's house. Then before he left, drunk in his car, he said, "Just in case something should develop between us, don't forget- I REALLY like oysters." EEEEW! :noway: