New here, just had baby #4 :)

JennsRAQ Posts: 132 Member
Hey everyone! I'm new to the group. I lost a ton of weight after baby #2 and then got pregnant.... and then lost about 15 pounds after #3 and got pregnant! WHEW! I just had my 4th child (in 7 years!) a week and a half ago. Right now I'm just trying to track my food so I can be aware of what I'm consuming and hopefully making better choices as a result.
Nice to meet you all!!


  • Congratulations on baby # 4!!!!! What an exciting adventure! God bless you!
  • Melanie_Robinson
    Melanie_Robinson Posts: 36 Member
    Hello and congrats on that baby!

    Welcome to this group!
  • katieacor
    katieacor Posts: 43 Member
    Yes welcome to the group! Congratulations on all your Babies! Aren't they such blessings!
    This is a nice group of ladies who share similar ideals and hopes! We are glad to have you join us!
  • jojospaghettio
    jojospaghettio Posts: 62 Member
    Congrats on the new baby! And welcome to MFP. Feel free to add me. :)
  • JennsRAQ
    JennsRAQ Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks everyone. :) I used MFP about a year ago to lose some weight and am having a fairly good time using it to track this time. ;) I will be excited to get to start working up to doing some intense workouts in several weeks... I had just gotten into Turbo Jam right before we sold our house, moved, and found out we were preggo... so I want to get back into it! :) I'll give myself some time..
    I might start doing some Leslie Sansone walks in the meantime! :)
  • letmysoulfly
    letmysoulfly Posts: 15 Member