What Are You Doing?

kacierra Posts: 109 Member
I'm just wondering what everyone is doing to try to get healthy. I personally am not on any kind of a formal plan. I'm just keeping track of my calorie intake, trying to increase my water intake, & trying to get more exercise. With summer approaching, my exercise mainly consists of doing outside yard work. I have a bit of a problem with my flat feet, so walking becomes painful after walking a short time.

Take care,


  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Same for me, I just try to keep track of every bite I eat and stay close to my calorie goal. The days I go over I don't beat myself up.
    I think this will keep a plateau away because I confuse my body...Is she dieting or not???
    I am trying to get more water and exercise.

    One thing I do is snack twice a day. It keeps the metabolism going. I try to have a fruit or string cheese about 9:30 -10:00 then always have my newest LOVE:heart:
    Fiber One 90 calorie Peanut butter brownie on my hour and half drive home from work. It keeps me out of the fast food drive thrus and lets me cook dinner without snacking.
    I also have flat feet. I can't walk without my inserts.