Re-adjusting mental weight

Theaandelsa Posts: 5 Member
edited December 2024 in Social Groups
I think I may have stumbled upon the reason why my weight has not gone back to my normal pre-baby weight. Simply stated I have not re-adjusted my mental weight. Having had a stable weight of between 135 and 137 for about ten years I then had two kids in quick succession and didn't really put on weight as such but a subtle shift had occurred nonetheless. The resultant effect has been a hovering over 140 and upwards reaching 145 two weeks ago. Incredulously I asked myself how could this have happened believing that my weight would just settle back to its usual level as it had done before. But it didn't just settle and given that my opportunities for exercise are now compromised and given that my "rules" for eating have been somewhat relaxed, it's not surprising that my weight has followed suit. Central to this however, is my acceptance of the extra weight, my conscience telling me it's ok to have the extra few pounds, you've had two kids, you work full time, you deserve it. And yes I have lived up to my expectations. So now that this realisation has dawned on me the next challenge is to re-adjust those expectations and to re-set the clock setting my mental weight. I am not interested in feeling bad about myself or giving too much energy into conscience bashing. I do however want to check in a bit more with that real me the 135-137 person that existed pre-kids. The difference between then and now is immense in practical terms but just knowing that I may need to do a little mental adjustments might make the difference. Here's hoping!:
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