Residential treatment

rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
Christal has multiple personalities, ADHD,ODD,and possibly schizoaffective disorder. My 13 yr old daughter was molested by her dad when she was 8. I have bipolar disorder, and her dad has schizophrenia, so she was behind the 8ball from the beginning. But anyway, she went to a residential treatment center on Friday for the next 3-9 months, and I called up there today to talk to the nurse and see how she was doing, and they told me who her dr and therapist was going to be. They have given her a male therapist. I can't see this going well. Did they NOT READ her chart before randomly assigning a therapist? Who in their right mind would assign a teenage girl who was molested to a male therapist?? GRR!! Craziness! Waiting now for the hospital to call me back. I wish I was closer so I could advocate better for her. Its too easy for them to ignore me from this far away.


  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Christal has multiple personalities, ADHD,ODD,and possibly schizoaffective disorder. My 13 yr old daughter was molested by her dad when she was 8. I have bipolar disorder, and her dad has schizophrenia, so she was behind the 8ball from the beginning. But anyway, she went to a residential treatment center on Friday for the next 3-9 months, and I called up there today to talk to the nurse and see how she was doing, and they told me who her dr and therapist was going to be. They have given her a male therapist. I can't see this going well. Did they NOT READ her chart before randomly assigning a therapist? Who in their right mind would assign a teenage girl who was molested to a male therapist?? GRR!! Craziness! Waiting now for the hospital to call me back. I wish I was closer so I could advocate better for her. Its too easy for them to ignore me from this far away.

    My daughter was also molested by a family member at a young age, she freaks out and wont talk to male tdocs at all! dumb of them to do that to her, but id be down there banging on doors if i could getting her what she needs. Sad thing is, in residential they often would rather medicate to zombie state instead of doing what the kids need to be better.
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    She is 2 hours away and I don't have a car. All I can do is keep calling. The squeeky wheel gets the oil and all. The head therapist did call me back fairly quickly though, and said that she did talk to Christal about having the male therapist, and Christal was hesitant, but agreed, as long as the head therapist was also there. She (the head therapist) is alright with that. I told her that I guessed that would be fine, as long as if she saw Christal was not being open with him she changed her to a female one. We'll see. I am going to be the mom every nurse there knows, just from my voice.

    I know that there are kids in there who have parents that don't care, that just sent them there so they would not have to deal with them. I want those doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, and whoever else to know Christal Chambers is NOT one of them. I will be the Momma from H*** if I have to be for my baby.

    *Edited cuz I can't spell for crap when I'm mad*
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    She is 2 hours away and I don't have a car. All I can do is keep calling. The squeeky wheel gets the oil and all. The head therapist did call me back fairly quickly though, and said that she did talk to Christal about having the male therapist, and Christal was hesitant, but agreed, as long as the head therapist was also there. She (the head therapist) is alright with that. I told her that I guessed that would be fine, as long as if she saw Christal was not being open with him she changed her to a female one. We'll see. I am going to be the mom every nurse there knows, just from my voice.

    I know that there are kids in there who have parents that don't care, that just sent them there so they would not have to deal with them. I want those doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, and whoever else to know Christal Chambers is NOT one of them. I will be the Momma from H*** if I have to be for my baby.

    *Edited cuz I can't spell for crap when I'm mad*

    Good! im glad you heard back from the tdoc. Its good that they asked your daughter also if she was ok with it, and she felt comfortable to put forth her own ideas and was able to come to an agreement. That's probably progress in their eyes too. Your daughter will have to be an active part of her own care for the rest of her life, so feeling like she's able to make decisions and let others know when she's not comfortable with something and what she's willing to accept is huge towards that goal.

    My daughter's biological father is bipolar, and he refuses to be part of his own care. He hates the meds, he jsut stops taking them. He wont ask for changed, or diff meds. He wont ask for a diff therapist if he doesnt like the one he as, he'll just sit there and not say a single word.

    Thankfuylly if always involved my daughter in her choices and meds, and why she has certain meds and what they do, and always asked her opinion before we changed meds/dosages, etc. Its important for when your daughter has her own say in all her health care needs.

    Great job! Hang in there, we're here for you and I, for one, have been thru my child in residential treatment before. So i can sympathize with you. Let us know how it goes or if you need a shoulder to cry on, or just to talk. :)
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Be her patient advocate i don't think it is wrong if you call every 10 minutes this is your child ! I am a nurse and i would understand...
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Phone calls serve multiple purposes. They show the staff you care and are an active parent and want to be considered part of the team. They show your daughter that you really are there for her and you really do believe this is the best place for her to be to get well. And, they help you sleep at night. It's hard when you're so far away. I hope the phone bills won't be too daunting.