I used to be Tari150

Hi all,

After setting up an account for my husband on MFP, I was no longer able to log in. Have no idea why, but have ended up creating a new account for myself. I used to be Tari150, but now am Tariagain.

I thought I would take this as an opportunity to introduce myself as I didn't do it before and there are a lot of new members now. I am 49 years old and was diagnosed with MS 30 years ago. Though I did not have any exacerbations during those years, I did have incredible fatigue and in recent years cognitive problems. This year, however, I had my first flare since being diagnosed. I spent five days on IV steroids and though I saw some improvement, I am not back to where I was before the flare. My doctor doesn't know what to make of me. My MRI showed no new lesions during this flare. We talked about starting medication (the injection one, don't remember the name), but he wanted to do some more tests and try to find the results of a spinal tap done 30 years ago.

I feel like an anomoly, I don't seem to be following any kind of normal pattern or progression. I am very grateful for this group on MFP. It is so helpful to know others who have the same crazy, invisible symptoms that just can't be explained to someone without MS. I also have found encouragement from some of you just in your perseverence. Others have been willing to message and I thank you so much.

Have a great day!