Week 3 (R2) Discussion
I'm having a serious self doubt week.
First, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I saw old me. Im down nearly 40 lbs total, I know its impossible, but there I was, big me. A complete mind f*&#.
Then yesterday. My friend was telling me a story. My friend (5'8", size 2, spins 5x a week, rarely eats), was apparently corrected by the guy she's seeing "you're not too thin, you're average." He also said that he wouldn't have kids cause it would ruin his wife's body (he's in his 30, btw, and she's obv not speaking to him anymore). If that twig, who I've often worried has issues with food and over exercising, is average WTF. So guess what I dreamed about last night? I never remember my dreams, but woke up remembering my subconscious telling me negative things; I don't need to repeat. Geez.
I saw my parents yesterday, too, who know I had lots of blood work done a few weeks ago, luckily everything was negative, and I thought I looked really nice and I've been feeling a lot better, and my dad said I looked pale and sick.
I didn't know where or if I should post this. But I just needed to vent.
I need to be proud of my accomplishments, and happy with my progress. And I am. So this negativity crap has got to go!!!!
Aw honey, I'm sorry you're having such a rough couple of days. I'm glad your friend told that jacka$$ to take a hike. She doesn't need a toxic person like that in her life. I'm 5'8" and I will never be a size 2 (6 on a good day) and I get yelled at for being too skinny by DH. She needs to find someone who loves her for her.
And YOU, don't talk so negative to yourself!!! When I was having a really rough time someone recommended the book "Don't Feed the Monster on Tuesdays" to me. It's hard to find (psych/shrink book) but it's got a good point. We all have an evil monster that lives inside of us and brings us down. The more we talk badly to ourselves and continue to think about the things that bother us the more we feed that monster and it grows and grows and makes us miserable. If you don't feed the monster, it will go away and you'll feel better about yourself. I have a picture of the cover of the book and I keep it in my planner to remind me that I can either feed the monster and be miserable, or make him starve and go away and I'll be happy. (some days are easier than others but hey, whatever works)
I'm glad to hear that your blood tests came back and everything's okay. Hang in there! You've got a great support system here.
Thank you!! It's nice to vent sometimes, esp. here where I don't feel any sort of judgement. I'm doing my best to keep positive and all the support just makes it so much easier to stay that way. )0
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