Riding with strength training

fireguy286 Posts: 14 Member
Those of you who strength train, especially the big compound lifts, what do you do come riding season? I'm scared of giving up strength training for fear of losing what I've gained, but after a circuit including front squats and back squats on Saturday, I suffered up the climbs on my mountain bike yesterday. I guess cycling is the priority right now, should I just suck it up and stop the leg exercises? Opinions appreciated


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I've only been riding once this spring after lifting heavy all winter. I felt like my power had GREATLY increases. I've never pushed up hills in the big gears before. It was awesome. But my husband won't lift during biking season, but he's training for a 100 miler, so his riding level is way different than mine. To me lifting comes first, biking second.

    Are you eating enough? Getting enough protein? How often do you lift/ride?
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I don't consider myself a serious lifter because I don't have access to a gym right now, but I do a lot of upper body work. Since I know I'm always going to be riding I usually try to go pretty easy on my legs and use my climbs to build that muscle. It has worked well so far and I I don't suffer such serious fatigue in my legs. That said, my lower body and core are WAY stronger than my back and arms right now.
  • bethlikesbikes
    Most coaches advice for strength training to be done during the winter and then to either taper off or take up a lighter program in season. Keep up the core work, however.