Turbo Fire - Calories

BluCandeee Posts: 1 Member
Hi everyone,

I am doing the Turbo Fire Inferno program for 5 days - on day 1.

The program is pretty clear on the amount of calories to consume each day - in and around 1200. I have been reading a lot of information, however, that contradicts this calorie total in that that amount of calories is way too low.

I am looking for feedback or other's experience with calories and this program.



  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    I have not done the Inferno, but I think that the reason that the calories are so low (1200) is because it is ONLY for 5 days and it is supposed to be a way to lose weight QUICK and tone up quick. I think that 1200 calories is safe, but it does say to NOT go below that. Looking at the inferno schedule, it seems like you would be burning at least 500-800 calories per day and if you are only eating 1200, then you will lose a lot of weight quick.

    Let us know how you make out :)