Day 27

Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
Slowly coming into my final 3 days. I'm not sure what I'll do after this. I'll still be doing cardio and yoga 3 times a week so I need to find another at home thing for the other 3 days. I need something that incorporates weight lifting and strength training since I do lots of cardio and stretching.


  • shaymo10
    shaymo10 Posts: 134 Member
    Day 27 of 30 Day Shred: Level 3. I was finally able to make it through all three circuits. Interestingly, my burn was really low. #3moredays
  • shaymo10
    shaymo10 Posts: 134 Member
    Try JM Shred-It with Weights. That is what I am doing next, along with Turbo Jam.