Anyone else love supernatural?



  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    I haven't seen them but I've seen pictures from one where Cas visits them, I just can't find it to watch online for some reason :grumble:
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I haven't seen them but I've seen pictures from one where Cas visits them, I just can't find it to watch online for some reason :grumble:

    Netflix ftw!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I want to be in a Sam/Dean sandwich. That counts right?


    I am such a Supernatural geek I am going to one of the conventions in the fall. I even participated in Misha's GISHWHES scavenger One of my picture entries made it into the Coffee Table Book.

    Take care,
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    My favourite episode is Yellow Fever, Dean is too hilarious in it.
    I love his scream when the cat jumps out of the locker!

    Which one has him doing Eye of the Tiger at the end? Love that!

    I love love LOVED the first few seasons. But then Kripke went off to do other projects and the show stopped being about urban legends and launched the whole angels ending the world thing. Which I've found really dull.

    Yellow Fever has Eye of the Tiger in it. Remember when he's afraid to go into the second story of the hotel so he's hiding in the car? I LOVE that. I also love the ep where Dean dies over and over again. I laugh SO hard every time I watch it.

    I've missed most of the last two seasons. Plan to eventually catch up with Netflix. My big issue is I am really knowledgable about these kinds of things. Kripke used to be really dedicated to detail. But the current writers just don't seem to care.

    I did catch the episode with Felicia Day on a Vespa like mine. That was fun!
  • princessmollbunny
    I want to be in a Sam/Dean sandwich. That counts right?


    I am such a Supernatural geek I am going to one of the conventions in the fall. I even participated in Misha's GISHWHES scavenger One of my picture entries made it into the Coffee Table Book.

    Take care,


    hopfully will be able to go to the one in UK if they do it again next year couldn't afford it this year *pout* xo
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I so want to go to the convention in Dallas! But DH says it's too expensive, around $1,000 total. Ugh.
  • Femmekid
    Femmekid Posts: 424 Member
    I watched the show from episode one and caught up to where they are right now in three months, I was/am obsessed - season finale tonight!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    We watched pretty obsessively for a couple months, the first 5 seasons anyway. my husband loves the angels and demons thing because he likes to see plays on religious concepts or some such. We haven't watched past that because we were waiting to hear if it was any good (our raid team mostly likes it)
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    Just watched season 7's finale! I got really excited when I heard "CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SOOOON!" haha.
  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    I have just started watching this! Loving it so far, still on season 1 but I am pretty obsessive so no doubt I will catch up soon! :)
  • Femmekid
    Femmekid Posts: 424 Member
    Just watched season 7's finale! I got really excited when I heard "CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SOOOON!" haha.
    Haha they have used that song so many times. I get excited when I hear it too!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just put season six in the PS2 let the good times roll :happy:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    This hasn't been one of my favourite seasons but I loved the season finale especially the twist at the end. Can't wait for next season!
  • operationskinnysima
    The s7 finale didn't really pull me until the end tbh.

    But wow the twist got to me.

    Can't wait for s8 and to see what Carver does with the show.
  • Broekhart
    Broekhart Posts: 2
    Another SPN fan here! :D I wasn't huge fan of the bigger storyline of S7 but the episodes were entertaining nontheless.

    Also, (since I'm never getting over this) I've met Misha Collins (and few other from SPN) in Asylum 7 <3

    Good to know there are other Supernatural fans here :)
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Another SPN fan here! :D I wasn't huge fan of the bigger storyline of S7 but the episodes were entertaining nontheless.

    Also, (since I'm never getting over this) I've met Misha Collins (and few other from SPN) in Asylum 7 <3

    Good to know there are other Supernatural fans here :)

    I am jealous! I have the exact same birthday as Misha (same day, same year). I will hopefully meet them at the next Tribute to Supernatural in my area.
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    Loooove Supernatural. I'm def a Dean girl too. Now that I can watch it all on Netflix I do marathons all the time. :)

    oh i do those all the time was lucky enuf to get season 1-6 on blu ray woop woop! xo

    I love Supernatural and Netflix ftw! I bet the blu-ray versions look amazing...maybe Amazon will have them on sale this holiday season :)
  • enchantedbunny
    Just watched season 7's finale! I got really excited when I heard "CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SOOOON!" haha.
    Haha they have used that song so many times. I get excited when I hear it too!

    My bf recently pointed out that they use that song for just about every season premiere and finale episode. SO GOOD. :)

    And to add to the thread, I LOVED the recent episode "The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo". It was geektastic!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Season six disc two just arrived i know what we're doing this afternoon :)
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    so what are you guys fave eps or moments? xo


    "Why do you think I drive everywhere Sam?!"

    "Pull my finger."

    "Driver picks the music, Shotgun shuts his cakehole."

    "I lost my shoe."

    "What would Hermione do?"

    ... Anything involving D!ck. (Roman, naturally.)