Meeting people at the gym



  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    To the single women who think it would be nice to be approached under certain circumstances. My workouts tend to be rather intense (at least for me). I sweat a lot and by the end of the workout I am really sweaty and my heart rate and endorphines are really kicked in. What would your impression be of a very sweaty and very energized guy introducing himself?

    I expect people to be sweaty at the gym. I sweat like a *kitten* in church when I work out, so I get it, and it doesn't bother me. I think it's hot, actually, unless he stinks, in which case it sort of ruins the mood. I guess it's kind of like how women get turned on by watching men doing manual labor.

    I have to agree.
    When I go to the gym I make it worth my time, so yes, I sweat a lot. It's not pretty (compared to the girl with the done up hair and full makeup in a sports bra), but I like to think that I'm just giving it my all. So when it comes to men at the gym, I don't expect the cover of GQ, the guy that's giving it his all in his workouts is sexy in my book (but yes, sweaty=ok, smelly=no).
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    To the single women who think it would be nice to be approached under certain circumstances. My workouts tend to be rather intense (at least for me). I sweat a lot and by the end of the workout I am really sweaty and my heart rate and endorphines are really kicked in. What would your impression be of a very sweaty and very energized guy introducing himself?

    A sweaty guy working out hard at the gym = totally hot!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    On the earphones thing, the problem is that it's awkward to get someone's attention when they're wearing earphones. You either have to tap them on the shoulder (and hope you don't scare them) or stand directly in front of them and start talking and hope they take the earphones out. It's weird. So most people aren't going to make the effort. That's why I think if you want to be seen as approachable, whether you're at the gym, at Starbucks, or wherever, keep the earphones out.

    If you really think about it, wearing earphones while you're in public is pretty antisocial behavior. It is understood when you're doing something like working out, but it definitely does not say "I'm a friendly, approachable person." If you don't want to be approached, that's fine. But if you do, you can't really blame people for not picking up on that.