New to Turbo Fire

quianabenson Posts: 12 Member
Hello everyone! My name is Quiana, and I am new to Turbo Fire! My husband did not understand why I was so excited to get that little box in the mail....and he said "how is this different from Billy Blanks".....I didn't answer, I just pressed play! And it was a great workout! Once I stopped looking at my HRM watch, before I knew it I had burned over 700 calories:). I am looking for some before and after pics from someone who is further along with the program, and just overall support with Turbofire. Thank you in advance.


  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    Welcome! Good luck with the program, many people have had great results.
  • lkarinal
    lkarinal Posts: 107
    Welcome, push play and have fun :)
  • Btrfly2541
    Btrfly2541 Posts: 14
    Hi quiana-
    I just ordered Turbo Fire and am super excited to get it. I have Turbo Jam (probably all that she's made) and was torn between Chalean Extreme and Turbo Fire, but since I have baby weight to lose I went for the bigger calorie burn.

    Good luck to us both!