Advanced Classes and Hunger and WEIGHT GAIN...oh my

brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
HELP help help ladies...I am so frustrated. Last week, I did everything right, worked out and did the schedule, did not go over my calories and I stepped on the scale and I was two pounds heavier!! I thought it was because TOM, but alas almost a week later, the scale is still right there 2 lbs heavier. I do my weigh days on Fridays and I know I have three days to PRAY that the scale goes down again, but I am feeling a multitude of emotions right now.

Here is where I am getting scared. I know that the scale is just a number, but it is a number that is important to me. It is what makes me have a good day or a bad day. I am typing this in my workout clothes because I have to start my workout for today and I am starting to get those horrible voices in my head that are saying, "Hey look at all the hard work you did....for NOTHING and LOOK The weight is coming back even though you are working your butt off..." and I am having these terrible thoughts of not pressing play...

BUT, I know that I have to press play and that this will pass.

Here are my questions. I have my calories set to 1400 and I try not to eat over that and I try not to eat my exercise calories. However, in the advance classes, I am burning an average of 500 calories a day. I am STARVING! Should I be eating more? I am so afraid to eat more though because I am afraid of gaining.

I will take any advice or thoughts. I am going to press play now because I know that I have to but I would love to hear if anyone had similar issues?



  • KeriJ728
    KeriJ728 Posts: 4
    Hi! I definitely know how frustrating that can be! Try eating more, at least 1500-1800 calories a day. Sounds like because of the hardcore burning you're doing, your body's going into starvation mode and holding onto everything it's getting. Try eating more, especially extra protein, all real food and see what happens. Keep in mind you can burn some body fat and inches without the scale moving. You are pushing play everyday and putting the work in--don't discredit that. You're awesome and you got this!!!
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    Thank you, I needed that :)
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I would also suggest eating more.. you need to fuel your body for all the working out you do. I would be starving too at just 1400 and burning about 500 calories a day. GIve it a few weeks eating more and see how that goes for you. Keep pressing play.. even though you do not see the changes on the scale, you are definitely making improvements health wise :)
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Yes eat more!! Especially as you have less and less to lose. Try it for two weeks. :) I bet you will lose! Also since you only have less than 10 lbs to go to goal, try setting your loss to 1/2 lb-1 lb a week.

    Use this tool: and NEVER eat less than your BMR. (The amount you would burn in a coma.) For example: I should never eat less than 1590! That is my BMR, so I have my fitness pal set to 1600 minimum. On a rest day I will eat that.

    I disagree a little with the details on the calculator, but I would take whatever calories it says for somewhere between moderately active and very active and subtract 500 for a loss of 1 lb a week, or subtract 250 for a 1/2 lb. So I could eat around 2450 to maintain my goal weight, so on a high burn exercise day eating 2000 calories is perfectly ok!

    ON a work out day I usually get to eat between 1900 and 2200 and I am losing!

    This was rambly and confusing, but you can eat soooo much! Check out fat2fit, and check out the groups "Eating more to weigh less" and "Women eating 2000 calories a day" Food is delicious fuel. Nom it up.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Here is a TDEE calculator. (What you would burn to maintain your current weight):

    Take somewhere between moderate and heavy exercise and minus 20% or minus between 250-500 calories. This would be a very healthy deficit.

    You can do this!!!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    This one is even more detailed for TDEE, you customize it to your schedule.
  • denise33027
    denise33027 Posts: 108 Member
    It can be frustrating! I would eat more, log your food and exercise and focus on what your NET calories are--keep that were it needs to be. I try to keep my NET at 1200 so often I am eating way more than that.

    I would encourage you to just take a deep breath, think of all the hard work you have done, how far you have come and know you are one the right track!

    @freeasharold, gret tools!! thanks
  • SCPSL05
    SCPSL05 Posts: 42 Member
    For sure you should eat back your exercise calories. That's the best part of working out! Also remember how awesome you are for being able to burn 500 calories in one workout. That means that you are killing it which you would not be able to do if you weren't in great shape. Tell those negative voices in your head to take a hike. What does Chalene say?... The level of fitness you are so close to right now is all mental. PUSH!!!
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    Thank you all so much! I had a rest day today and ate a little over, but I am ready to go FULL FORCE tomorrow. I am hoping that the scale will be my friend on Friday...I am going to try to adjust my calories again now that I am burning more. I would be so lost without this site and my Turbo Fire Girls!

    Thanks for the awesome links, Freeasharold!!! And the advice
  • Sweeterescape
    Sweeterescape Posts: 132
    I know I'm a little late, but definitely go into settings and re-do the calculator for your cals. Also, I agree to eat back all those exercise cals!

    You may be gaining some wonderful muscle as well! Think of your measurements, how your clothes are fitting, how you feel after crushing a TF workout and realise that you can breathe and move way better than you could several months ago!

    Keep pushing play and you'll be happy by the end of the 20 weeks for sure! You can definitely do this, we're all here with you!
  • lkarinal
    lkarinal Posts: 107
    This is exactly what's happening to me now, currently on week 16 of the 20wk program and on week 14 didn't gain/lose on week 15 I gained a pound. And what scared me the most is my hunger, I could eat a cow! I feel so hungry now and then, my allowed calories are 1390 (to lose 1lbs) but I just switched to 1/2lbs let's see how it goes :(
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    This is exactly what's happening to me now, currently on week 16 of the 20wk program and on week 14 didn't gain/lose on week 15 I gained a pound. And what scared me the most is my hunger, I could eat a cow! I feel so hungry now and then, my allowed calories are 1390 (to lose 1lbs) but I just switched to 1/2lbs let's see how it goes :(

    Hopefully it works out for you...I think I was hormonal as well, but I am still starving!!!