WoW Expansions

kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
edited December 2024 in Social Groups
Does listening to the WoW soundtrack make you nostalgic for past expansions or am I the only nerd who really wishes The Burning Crusade was back?!


  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    While I was deployed, my wife would play the WoW soundtracks in the house, so she could feel like I was home. The music is awesome, and I strongly suggest "Taverns Of Azeroth" by David Arkenstone.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Taverns is my favorite.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    For what it's worth, I thought TBC was by far the best Xpac.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Kappy..I love you, and I'm gonna let you finish, but the lich king had the best expansion of all time!
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    Nope your not the only one, I miss leveling my hunter and the music from darkshore.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Love any World of Warcraft music. It really immersed you into the game. So glad I have ONE more final left then I can get my WoW time back!

    My husband really enjoys trying to play those songs on his guitar. :tongue:
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    For what it's worth, I thought TBC was by far the best Xpac.

    I believed that too, for the longest time.

    Then I started doing the beta test for Mists of Pandaria -- thoroughly impressed with it, especially without all of the "bells and whistles" that make up WoW.

    MoP will easily be the best work that WoW has ever done, guarantee it.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    For what it's worth, I thought TBC was by far the best Xpac.

    I believed that too, for the longest time.

    Then I started doing the beta test for Mists of Pandaria -- thoroughly impressed with it, especially without all of the "bells and whistles" that make up WoW.

    MoP will easily be the best work that WoW has ever done, guarantee it.


    Can you elaborate on why?
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I haven't played WoW since back when Burning Crusade was the latest one. I quit shortly before Lich King came out because WoW just didn't offer the "sandbox" feel I was looking for. There was a little bit of it with Vanilla WoW (pre-expansions), but they kept taking it away. I switched to EVE Online and never looked back. I only play EVE rarely now though since MMOs in general are very time consuming by nature of how they have to be played and I just haven't found the time to log on more than a couple times a week since beginning to work on my fitness goals. I now stick mainly to games that can be played casually where you can come and go as you please/need without worrying about possibly screwing over other people in group with you.

    My first exposure to MMOs was old school Ultima Online which was a true sandbox where you could literally do whatever you wanted, provided you were willing to deal with the consequences. So WoW was always a bit of a disappointment to me because it forced you into a story, into a role, onto a side, etc.

    IMO the most fun time I ever had in WoW was leveling through Stranglethorn Vale on a PvP server as a rogue. Having to constantly watch your back in one of the hottest world pvp zones in the game was what made the game for me. Once I leveled out of the STV zone the game lost its luster.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I don't think I ever played with the music turned on.

    I hated Burning Crusade so much I quite for the second time right before it came out. Enjoyed Lich King, didn't love it but thought it was pretty good. Loved the concept for Cataclysm, hated the way it was implemented, I got bored within a month and quit for the 4th (or 5th?) and probably last time. I have absolutely zero desire to play Mists
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    For what it's worth, I thought TBC was by far the best Xpac.

    I believed that too, for the longest time.

    Then I started doing the beta test for Mists of Pandaria -- thoroughly impressed with it, especially without all of the "bells and whistles" that make up WoW.

    MoP will easily be the best work that WoW has ever done, guarantee it. pretty much just made my day :flowerforyou:
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    MoP will easily be the best work that WoW has ever done, guarantee it.

    Can you elaborate on why?

    Certainly --

    1) Many of the classes and their rotations have been cleaned up. When Blizzard announced that the talent trees would be gone, I bristled at the notion. Then after playing the holy paladin on beta, I now understood why. My biggest complaint about Cataclysm was constantly staring at my buttons, ensuring that A, B, C, D were cast first before I went into my rotation....and don't forget about managing your cooldowns!!! All of that is now gone. Many of the talents have been streamlined into a proc, which will allow smoother gameplay. The min/max'ing of classes is pretty much out the window, and there is no excuse for bad gameplay.
    --Sidenote: Shaman tanks are coming back. Demo warlocks get a bevy of new demon pets...including two that will allow the demo lock to (gasp!) tank.....

    2) The quests do a much better job of telling a story than any of the other expac's did. Yes, there's still quests that do "Kill X mobs....gather X amount of Y...." but it's more than that. You really get a sense of your actions impacting the land that you're on. Furthermore, another gripe I had about Cata was the questing seemed very "grindy"....meaning, you were locked into doing all the quests in one part of the map in order to open up another part, and then another part, etc etc. You can actually skip around a bit and complete what you want.

    3) And while we're talking about the land -- this zone is GORGEOUS in design. I really like the feel of "adventuring" in a game, and you'll get that exact feel. So many places to explore, so much to GET OUT AND DO!!! Example -- first day of beta, I was about 1/3 away from hitting level 86....and I hadn't even hit HALF of the opening zone yet (Jade Forest). There's a lot of ground to cover, literally....but it's so beautiful, you'll enjoy the land that much. Krasarang Wilds and The Dread Wastes are my favorite zones at the moment.

    4) The monk class -- HANDS DOWN -- is fun as hell. Best tank class, best DPS class, and will rival Paladins as best healing class. The opening zone for the Pandarens actually makes levels 1-10 interesting, and the story just sucks you in.

    The crazy thing about this -- all of the "bells and whistles" weren't in the beta --

    *Cleaned up professions, starting with Engineering and Archaeology.
    *Faction quests and completions. Tillers faction is for cooking, you'll get your own farm that is phased specifically for your toon. Anglers faction for fishing (I love fishing in WoW, by the way). And that's just a sample of the factions.
    *Updated models for many of the beasts. Tigers actually LOOK like tigers, cranes that LOOK like cranes instead of cartoonish wannabes. Many of the player races will have their graphics updated as well.
    *The incoming mounts are frickin' AWESOME.
    *New loot-rolling methods. Need/Greed is going away -- one similar to SWTOR will be implemented.
    *A "Challenge Mode" for dungeons and raids, similar to achievements but they award toon-specific items for completing them.

    So some of you reading this are probably thinking, "Okay tell me what you DON'T like."

    * While I'm glad that glyph application is changing back to Major and Minor, many of the glyphs themselves don't really make sense. I can understand Blizzard wanting to do away with Min/Max thought, but they really should make glyphs something worth getting. The ones they are showing in beta just don't grab me, and I'm sure Inscriptionists will see a dropoff on demand for their glyphs.

    * I'm one of those weird people that enjoys lengthy and challenging 5-man dungeons. While the dungeons do have a challenge, I thought they went rather "too quick." I was taken aback by some of the scenarios; first boss encounter of Mo'gushun Palace especially. But I like going into a dungeon, fighting my way through mobs, and downing the boss -- it's a feeling of accomplishment when you finish it. Wanna know where baddies come from? Breezing through a dungeon, just for loot, all in the span of 15 minutes -- makes players impatient, teaches poor gameplay, and it doesn't seem right to me.

    * With the elimination of talent trees, the feral druid spec is broken. Feral druid players are very unhappy with the build, has undergone two do-overs....and now looking at a third.

    * Still not sold on the "pet battles" idea on MoP...but then again, it's not yet available for play on the beta either.

    But anyways, I know this was long....but you all wanted me to elaborate. I'll keep you posted!
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    Ooooo your making me more excited for this new expansion, cata really just made me lose my love of the game, I need something to get me back into it fully. After hearing about this new expansion I was more like oh boy here we go again getting further from the good old days, but maybe just maybe its what they needed to do to get people interested again!!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I'll get MoP and give it a shot. Though Cata/wotlk was a total borefest too me.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    I will not get sucked back in...I will not get sucked back in....I will get sucked back in....DAMNIT!
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member

    4) The monk class -- HANDS DOWN -- is fun as hell. Best tank class, best DPS class, and will rival Paladins as best healing class.

    That sounds as broken as can be.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member

    4) The monk class -- HANDS DOWN -- is fun as hell. Best tank class, best DPS class, and will rival Paladins as best healing class.

    That sounds as broken as can be.

    "Best" meaning easier to manage. There will still be some tweaks coming as long as beta is going on, but it's so much easier to play.
  • tai3
    tai3 Posts: 17
    What little I've seen of the beta (from videos from friends) and what I've read on the forums, I'm excited. Honestly when they announced the xpac, I was disappointed. I only wish my computer would run the beta, but I'm getting crashes every time I try to open it. I'll wait a few weeks and try again. The new areas are gorgeous and I love the soundtrack. I might even have to turn my sound back on in game ;)
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    @ Tai3 -- Try running the 32 bit version, the 64 bit version has been giving folks issues.
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