Gettin' it in...

cgrigz Posts: 86 Member
Drinking and your fitness always seem to clash a bit, right?? So the majority of everyone has their days of hangovers with the 'must' workout the next day. how do ya'll find the motivation to get it in, or tricks you have to offset the 1500 plus or minus extra calories from bar food and beer??(types of drinks, different foods etc.) It seems I'm pretty much out of commission for 2-3 days after a good night of partying :( A vicious cycle ain't it....HELP


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member

    so here's what i've been doing.

    sticking to hard liquors and no calorie mixers like flavored vodka + soda, gin and tonic, captain and diet coke

    i dont eat while i'm out because i make sure to have something waiting for me when i get home.

    of course this is just for a night out. i have NO idea what i'm going to do once football season starts and i'm spending hours in a pub :sad: it's just so hard to say no to nachos when you know you're going to be in a bar for 4+ hours
  • cgrigz
    cgrigz Posts: 86 Member
    yeah football season is a rough 4 months for me. thats why im trying to plan waaayyy way in
  • greeneyes191
    greeneyes191 Posts: 78 Member
    Friday nights are my "day off" of C25k workout. I follow my usual routine on Fridays except for dinner and the C25k treadmill workout. I still walk at lunch time but I skip dinner. I know that's probably not the healthiest plan, but if I'm going to have 5-6 beers at 96 calories each - something has to be sacrificed.
  • abmoseley
    abmoseley Posts: 1
    I've been trying to add physical activities to my drinking. I just joined an adult kickball league that is sponsored by a bar. So after the game we all end up drinking, but hopefully the exercise offsets some the calories.

    Also, eat before going to the bar. It helps me from wanting bar foods.
  • I don't go to the pub much, but I do love good beer. I will not suffer light beer in any form and most of my favorites run from 8.0 to 11.0 ABV. This means lots of calories. I limit myself to one per sitting during the week and three per sitting on the weekend. All of these calories are disposed of because I bike to and from work (40-50 mi/day) 3 to 4 days a week. I do avoid other empty carbs in order to endulge in this way. I cant think of a better way to cap off a nice 2 hour Saturday ride than with a delicious brew or three.
  • Sonriendo
    Sonriendo Posts: 98
    ya same here.... :drinker: AM a CockTail kinda girl... so what I do is that I try to dance as much as possible while clubbing to ( in my mind :blushing: ) offset the calories from my Yummy drinks....
  • BrandiH2007
    BrandiH2007 Posts: 40 Member
    I try to drink lots of water before bed, it helps reduce the hangover. Then I make myself feel guilty for drinking all those empty calories which motivates me to get up and work out. Then do it all over again next weekend, LOL
  • 2010anne
    2010anne Posts: 2
    Water before bed helps keep me from losing the entire next day. In general I tell myself that whatever I plan to drink I have to make up for with running. It's my failsafe because I can do it either before drinking or the next day. I also play volleyball so if I'm drinking it's often right after I've exercised. And I eat before going to the bar so even if I cheat, it's usually not so bad.

    Love this group btw.
  • Sonriendo
    Sonriendo Posts: 98
    :drinker: + Exercise +H20...= still manage to lose my "extras" I can do this Man!
  • ullejr
    ullejr Posts: 3 Member
    I agree it can be hard to eat healthy, especially on weekends when nights out tend to get more crazy.

    I try to keep things really good on the weekdays to make up for a "cheat" day or two on the weekends. Also, doing some solid long-time cardio with your free Saturday/Sunday mornings can be great or if you are not in a state to workout in the mornings you can always do evenings.

    I like running to keep fit because it burns a ton of calories - honestly way more calories than the built in running designations here suggest. I think this new site called SmashRun makes it fun to keep track of your distance, pace, total miles etc. There are badges and site rankings and you can compete with friends on the site too. Check it out here:
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    The other night I was drinking and we were out in the middle of nowhere, had a bonfire and someone brought up the idea to go swimming across a gravel pit (man made lake).. Me like a dumbass goes SURE!! I'll do it.. luckily I wasn't that drunk and I made it all the way across and back without drowning.. I didn't crawl into bed until 5:30am. I woke up at 9:15am, ate a lite breakfast and made myself get outside, it was too nice to be inside of the house. I didn't want to be lazy all day because I just remembered how crappy I would feel if I let myself do nothing all day..

    I guess just remember that being productive feels good and being a couch potato is really self defeating, even if you aren't technically working out, you can always do something with physical activity that will get you moving.. Which is always better than sitting inside eating all day.
  • cgrigz
    cgrigz Posts: 86 Member
    The other night I was drinking and we were out in the middle of nowhere, had a bonfire and someone brought up the idea to go swimming across a gravel pit (man made lake).. Me like a dumbass goes SURE!! I'll do it.. luckily I wasn't that drunk and I made it all the way across and back without drowning.. I didn't crawl into bed until 5:30am. I woke up at 9:15am, ate a lite breakfast and made myself get outside, it was too nice to be inside of the house. I didn't want to be lazy all day because I just remembered how crappy I would feel if I let myself do nothing all day..

    I guess just remember that being productive feels good and being a couch potato is really self defeating, even if you aren't technically working out, you can always do something with physical activity that will get you moving.. Which is always better than sitting inside eating all day.

    love swimming in those.. hahahaha
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    It was quite fun.. and the workout