Eating after an attack

Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
Unfortunately I got glutenated this weekend - cross contamination i think as i check everything and only cook at home. TBH I'm quite upset as we are so careful as I hate being so ill.

I know that after an attack I tend to be starving for a few days and especially crave protein and high fat foods. I did give into this craving yesterday evening ( and went over my intake) but I am trying to stay on target today. I must admit that although I feel rough and my muscles feel like I've run a marathon I'm not as bad as I can be so all the vitamins and healthy eating is helping.

I wonder how everyone else deals with the after effects.


  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    I'm usually too ill to care about watching what I eat. My fall out lasts for 3 days so I just eat sensibly, but probably more, for those days as my body continues to reject anything I put into it.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I cant believe how quickly i have got over this one but I've been really strict for months and this is the first time in about five months so that is maybe why its not so bad.
  • sweetlola13
    sweetlola13 Posts: 18
    I like aloe vera juice when I'm recovering, it helps soothe. I also keep a hot pad handy for cramps. And ginger kombucha. I'm usually in a lot of pain for a few days afterwards, so I also take some kind of anti-inflammatory. I hate that swollen feeling I get in all of my joints. :(
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I like aloe vera juice when I'm recovering, it helps soothe. I also keep a hot pad handy for cramps. And ginger kombucha. I'm usually in a lot of pain for a few days afterwards, so I also take some kind of anti-inflammatory. I hate that swollen feeling I get in all of my joints. :(

    That is what I've got now - especially my hands. I'm doing the same as you with the anti-inflammatory and staying away from any serious exercise for the next few days.
  • sweetlola13
    sweetlola13 Posts: 18
    I always feel like it's the worst in my hands!
  • bowties_r_cool
    bowties_r_cool Posts: 66 Member
    I am always starving and in horrible moods for days following being glutenized, in addition to the pain. I generally try to follow my calories but always fail. By the end of each day I am irritable and miserable and cave in for my favorite naught snack. GF toast with butter and jelly. I mean lost of butter substitute and jelly. Usually multiple slices of toast to top it off :/ I will have to try that Aloe drink the next time and see if that helps.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I am always starving and in horrible moods for days following being glutenized, in addition to the pain. I generally try to follow my calories but always fail. By the end of each day I am irritable and miserable and cave in for my favorite naught snack. GF toast with butter and jelly. I mean lost of butter substitute and jelly. Usually multiple slices of toast to top it off :/ I will have to try that Aloe drink the next time and see if that helps.

    Ditto - the aloe vera sounds a good idea.
  • sweetlola13
    sweetlola13 Posts: 18
    The aloe helps to get things moving, too. I feel like I've eaten a lead brick if I have gluten and the aloe helps move things along. I feel like a heads up about that is in order if gluten gives you the opposite. I get the concentrated kind (usually in orange mango flavor, but cherry berry is also nice) and resort to taking shots of it when things are really bad. It's generally recommended you mix it with water though.