whats your goal size?

ttaylor68913 Posts: 320 Member
i am in a 26 w now (at around 370 lbs) my goal is to get down to like a size 12 or 14 (or 165-180 lbs of course smaller would be GREAT but thats my target now) I'm 5'8 and have a very large frame and think any smaller and I would look sick


  • My goal is to lose approxmately 85 lbs. I currently weigh 238 on a 5'6 frame I teter from size 18 to 20. I suffer from seizures and have gained alot of weight on medications the past 2 years. I also had 2 babies in the last 6 years. I just want my shape back, I would be very happy in a 12-14. Of course I would love to lose more, but I would be comfortable in a 12 : ) Im only cleared for very low impact exercise, but I have been working out daily for 2 weeks and trying to make better choices at meal time. Im not yet noticing any difference in my clothes or energy level which is a little frustrating, Im really trying!!!
  • I am 35 years old and I'm 252.5 as of today. I am 5'2. My short term goal is to weigh 232 lbs by May 29th and my longterm is to be 200 lbs by August 15. My long long term goal is to have a normal BMI. so what ever that is lol. I'm hoping this will help keep me motivated. I'm considering having the vertical sleeve gastrectomy, but we'll see. Right now i'm in phase one of a medical supervised weight loss program. just HMR shakes and veggies! Wish me luck...
  • Shellab1
    Shellab1 Posts: 7
    Good Luck! I'm 41 and 236lbs. I'd love to weigh 165-170 and wear a size 10 or so! I'm in the last stage of getting approved for the gastric sleeve. I know it's not a complete fix but it's what I need to get started. I've changed my eating habits and have incorporated exercise but the weight just won't stay off.
  • Hello everyone!! Thanks for joining!! Im 25yrs old, 5'3-230lbs. Im porportioned nicely & i look good but good isnt great. Im more focused on gettin the weight off because im not getting any younger, im done having children, border line diabetic & asthmatic. My goal wt is 150 & I have no clue where to start!! lol.
  • chubbytiff
    chubbytiff Posts: 61 Member
    size 18 now wanna be a size 10
  • shysteub
    shysteub Posts: 1
    Hi everyone,
    I am 220lbs currently and my goal weight is around 150-154lbs. I had a baby couple of yrs back and I have not lost weight since then.
    Started on strict diet regime, regularly tracking it on MFP. I have also started walking,elliptical 4-5times a week.
  • hlprice2012
    hlprice2012 Posts: 15 Member
    I currently weigh 211, I ultimately want to be around 130; which should take me to around an size 8.
  • ice99706
    ice99706 Posts: 155 Member
    I was a 20w pants I am now in 16 and would love to be in a 12.
    SW: 238 MFP SW: 228. CW: 211 GW: 170-65