Deleting People

leanandmean2012 Posts: 179 Member
Why is it that people u delete message u after asking why? Do u really need closure that badly? lol I've been deleted and haven't blinked an eye :)


  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I don't really notice when people delete me.
  • leanandmean2012
    leanandmean2012 Posts: 179 Member

    Did I delete u? lol SMH
  • leanandmean2012
    leanandmean2012 Posts: 179 Member
    I didnt delete u crazy lol
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    People need to not take things so personally. I've never noticed anyone unfriending me.

    It's a little pathetic to message someone in my opinion for something dumb like that.
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm surprised people notice they were even deleted!
  • leanandmean2012
    leanandmean2012 Posts: 179 Member
    People need to not take things so personally. I've never noticed anyone unfriending me.

    It's a little pathetic to message someone in my opinion for something dumb like that.

    My point exactly
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    I dunno... if it's totally unexpected I can understand wanting to know why.

    I once knew a chic on here who deleted me.. I had no idea why as I commented on her posts frequently. But she had lost almost 200 lbs very quickly & made blogs about it so since the time we became friends she had grown to like 400+ friends. I assumed she had deleted me because she was just trying to cut back on clutter but I was hurt! We're human it hurts!

    Anyway... i did PM her to ask why & she swore up & down that she must have deleted me by mistake & re-added me. So maybe they're PMing just to make sure you didn't get too click happy & removed them by mistake ;)

    Oh & if you removed me I would cry for days & eat my sarrows & weigh1000 lbs so please don't! :tongue:
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I ask why I was deleted if it was someone I consider a friend.

    But then I'm also the crazy woman who asks guys what I did to scare them away (if I think they'll actually tell me).

    I've learned a lot about myself that way.

    I don't get why it annoys you so?
  • leanandmean2012
    leanandmean2012 Posts: 179 Member
    I dunno... if it's totally unexpected I can understand wanting to know why.

    I once knew a chic on here who deleted me.. I had no idea why as I commented on her posts frequently. But she had lost almost 200 lbs very quickly & made blogs about it so since the time we became friends she had grown to like 400+ friends. I assumed she had deleted me because she was just trying to cut back on clutter but I was hurt! We're human it hurts!

    Anyway... i did PM her to ask why & she swore up & down that she must have deleted me by mistake & re-added me. So maybe they're PMing just to make sure you didn't get too click happy & removed them by mistake ;)

    Oh & if you removed me I would cry for days & eat my sarrows & weigh1000 lbs so please don't! :tongue:

    I would never delete u :):):):)
  • leanandmean2012
    leanandmean2012 Posts: 179 Member
    I ask why I was deleted if it was someone I consider a friend.

    But then I'm also the crazy woman who asks guys what I did to scare them away (if I think they'll actually tell me).

    I've learned a lot about myself that way.

    I don't get why it annoys you so?

    It would annoy me if we both know why I deleted you and you still ask like you don't know lol
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    I delete people cause I'm self absorbed and am interested in keeping up with me my fav pals and my fav threads. I don't want my timeline clogged with boring and uninteresting stuff someone I don't really interact with post. Plus if I check my pal list and I dont know who you are then what are we pals for.

    Oh enough about me there is an actual post to comment on. People are sensitive homie you really never know what will hurt someone's feelings. Everything everyone does u don't have to understand. Like I don't understand why people own cats. Unless u have mice what is the point of a housecats they are the jerks of housepets.
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    I delete people who go inactive for 3 or more days, because I consider them to be wasting my time and don't really take this as seriously as I do, therefore I delete them and opt for people who are as serious!
  • melg126
    melg126 Posts: 378
    Why is it that people u delete message u after asking why? Do u really need closure that badly? lol I've been deleted and haven't blinked an eye :)

    That happened to me... and I kept it real. I wrote him back and said you weren't supportive, you didn't chit chat, you never commented on my stuff... why is this a surprise to you that I deleted you? I'm on here for support and I like to talk to my friends on here.
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    I delete people who go inactive for 3 or more days, because I consider them to be wasting my time and don't really take this as seriously as I do, therefore I delete them and opt for people who are as serious!

    I do the same thing.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    It doesnt bother me......people come........people go...........internet relationships are fickle! :smokin:

    Acutally, I think it bothered me the first time it happened :cry:

    But I would never ask why..........I'm sure, for that person, there is a valid reason, that they certainly dont have to validate! :bigsmile:
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I delete people who are inactive for at least a month
    I did delete one guy off my list because he was more concerned with selling Body by Vi than being supportive.

    I dont care if people delete me, I am a big girl I can take it. My personality is not for everyone. :devil:
  • SouthernSweetie74
    Yes, I need closure! Why, oh why, oh why did you delete me! I'm crying over here. :sad:


    I don't know... If I was to get deleted, I'd figure they just got annoyed with my cheerfulness and positive posts!
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I've got only 12 friends, so I think if one deletes me, I will message them for this betrayal and they shall be known as Judas for the rest of their life!

    Not sure though, maybe it has happened already.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I'm not bothered. For me one of the most bizarre things about this site is the strength of feeling people have on their addition and deletion manifestos. :laugh:

    I reckon I may not notice many deletions, but I did spot one - I just assumed I was eating too few of my exercise calories for their taste or was too chatty. I didn't mind at all.

    There are a few people here I really care about, I guess if one of them deleted me I'd be upset and tempted to check it wasn't a mistake, though I may try and resist checking in case it wasn't. I wouldn't especialy want to know why. It's important to me to accept people as they are so if others are judgemental about trivial stuff, that's their call, it just confirms we are never going to be great mates.

    I always accept adds and never delete, just doesn't seem like good manners to me and kindness matters. One person was using his friends list for marketing and that did get annoying so I hid his updates from my news feeds.

    flamfloz was soooo tempted to delete you for the Judas status, but didn't in case you refused to re-add me :wink: