HI new friends wanted!

Hi I joined over a year ago but just recently discovered the groups! I joined this one because I have alot to lose.

I'm Elizabeth, almost 30. Married with 1 8yo daughter.

I like doing workout DVDs at home, Leslie Sansone, Richard Simmons for now. Will work up to Jillian later! Also like walking at the park. Enjoy strength training.

I am talkative and am on here alot so I am looking for equally talkative friends! Motivated people who will keep me motivated!


  • samandlucysmum
    Hi, Iv'e been here since the end of Jan, I am a full time mum to 6 kids, 2 pre-school, 1 primary, and 3 secondary age.
    I have battled with my weight since I was 14, thanks to the yummy sausage rolls at school, with 8 pregnancies under my belt..literally..my weigh has crept up to an unbelievable 24+ stone. Twice I have lost 2 stone over the years, but it has gone back on plus more. I am giving it a real go now, 36 this year, time to kick my butt and get fit for my family, and hoping to set a healthy example for my children and hope they don't follow in my footsteps to being overweight.

    I welcome any friend my size, who are commited and motivated.
  • ruckus2
    ruckus2 Posts: 6 Member

    I'm new. I've tried this once before, but I wasn't really ready. I really need folks who can encourage me to keep on the path - I stray very easily. I'm starting to have some health related issues that stem from being overweight so long. I think this time may have additional motivation.