muffin top after 3 kids

Hey My name is Tamara. I have 3 children ages 15, 13, and 7. When I was younger wt was not a problem for me. Now I have this muffin top that I cant get rid of!!!!! Im 35 and work 2 jobs I dont have alot of time for working out. Any ideas??? I feel really good about loosing 12 lbs since starting MYP


  • jodster333
    jodster333 Posts: 10
    Hey, Isnt this the best site to start with?? Im loving it. Even got my husband on it. I hear ya. I never had a weight problem, then had a stressfull job and started gaining weight. I never gained a huge amount, but I am left with this stupid muffin top. I have been following my eating closely and have lost some weight, but seem to not loose any around the belly. I have been finding that if I lie on my side with weights on my legs and doing some leg lifts, that seems to be helping. Any more ideas would be great!!!
  • chesneyfan01
    chesneyfan01 Posts: 51 Member
    I have been viewing alot of posts of ppl doing Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred. It really seems to help in their waist line. I am on day 3 and really do feel it in my mid hoping this works!
  • jodster333
    jodster333 Posts: 10
    I am soooo not a big fan of doing pilates or hard core excercising. I always have good intentions and then the novelty wears off fast. We need to find something that works but isnt intense. I will look into Jillian Michaels. Is it a workout tape?
  • chesneyfan01
    chesneyfan01 Posts: 51 Member
    I am soooo not a big fan of doing pilates or hard core excercising. I always have good intentions and then the novelty wears off fast. We need to find something that works but isnt intense. I will look into Jillian Michaels. Is it a workout tape?
    It is a DVD...but I also found Level 1 on Youtube.
    I tried it on Youtube first just to make sure that I liked it and could handle it! :laugh:
  • Dimples1975
    Dimples1975 Posts: 65 Member
    I will look into it too! I definitely need to target my midsection. I know I need to strengthen my core and I LOVE Jillian Michaels. Thanks for the tips.
  • chesneyfan01
    chesneyfan01 Posts: 51 Member
    I will look into it too! I definitely need to target my midsection. I know I need to strengthen my core and I LOVE Jillian Michaels. Thanks for the tips.
    You should pull up some of the before/after pics people have posted after they have completed their 30 days!! They look great!!
  • typnsrl
    typnsrl Posts: 4
    Thanks to all who replied. I havent heard of the 30 day shred. I will definately try the leg weights ( how many sets and reps?) that sounds like something I dont have to dedicate alot of time to. Currently I have been doing Dance Central 2 ( on Kinect) Fitness mode because after im done it I've burned and that makes it easy to add it to my exercise portion of MFP.
  • jodster333
    jodster333 Posts: 10
    Anyone do yoga. Its good for your core. Wondering if that would help too
  • Terrizgoal
    Terrizgoal Posts: 5
    Hi my name is Terri and I have been trying to loose my stomach fat now for almost a year. I do tons of exercise at least 5 days a weeks(60 minutes) strength train and I am finding it impossible to loose the weight around my stomach. I have lost about 40 lbs but it sure is not on my tummy. I watch my diet and try to eat sensably but the "muffin top" is still there. Feeling so frustrated at times and feel like giving up
  • Tojsmom
    Tojsmom Posts: 51
    I'm defiantely going to be looking into that Jillian Michael's 30 day shred thing.
  • Eireann15
    Eireann15 Posts: 124
    My muffin top has always been the thing I am most self conscious about!! I have lost 20 lbs, and a lot of it.. but it is still there.. and very stubborn! I am currently running, and doing Jillian's Ripped in 30! I tend to neglect my abs/core, but this video definitely works it! I hope it helps.
  • lipenzes
    lipenzes Posts: 2
    I hear you! I just had my 4th kid and my stomach will never be the same. Actually all my weight seems to be in my stomach and after 3 months I still look about 7 months prego. No ever thinks I'm fat, they just think I'm pregnant and I kind of wish I just looked fat. With that I'm also scared to lose the weight cause I know my stomach is going to look horrible afterwards with all the excess skin....still that does beat a muffin top.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I used to do bikram yoga (hot yoga) and it burns up to 700 calories in a 90 minute class. But my trial ran out, and its very expensive!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    My name is Becky and I am excited that there is a group for us with muffin tops. I am very much an apple shape. So, that really means that I have a muffin top. I really only need to lose about 10 pounds and this weight is around my middle. The rest of my body is rather trim.

    Does anyone know how much the 30 day shred cost?
  • typnsrl
    typnsrl Posts: 4
    lipenzes i hear what youre saying about the excess skin my stomach looks like a bulldogs face and im so frustrated with it!!!! if i could afford it i would get abdominoplasty in a minute!!! but since that is not my reality im gonna work it off and hope to tone up enough to be able to tolerate it.
  • wpdeadrat
    wpdeadrat Posts: 6
    I have had 3 c-sections and with my last one (4yrs ago!) I cannot get rid of my stomach! Plus I'm now 37 and I think it is harder! I am doing kick boxing and mixed martial arts but haven't lost much on the scale. :grumble:
  • chrissyKar
    chrissyKar Posts: 98 Member
    being overweight in abdominal area can be a sign of other problem like pre- diabetes which I found out i have!
    I have so far lost 9kg, some of it before comming on this site but calorie counting is the best way for me. Exercise helps too and cutting down on carbs, having complex carbs. My focus is on nutrition with foods whereas it used to be just on weight. now i have a whole new focus :smile:

    I haven't got any kids but have always struggled with my weight and put on weight on my tummy ! I am an apple when overweight , i would like to find my waist line again and feel more sexy again !!
    I miss my curves
  • chesneyfan01
    chesneyfan01 Posts: 51 Member
    My name is Becky and I am excited that there is a group for us with muffin tops. I am very much an apple shape. So, that really means that I have a muffin top. I really only need to lose about 10 pounds and this weight is around my middle. The rest of my body is rather trim.

    Does anyone know how much the 30 day shred cost?
    You can pick up the DVD for bout $9 or on blue ray for bout $13.
    Thats the prices at
  • chesneyfan01
    chesneyfan01 Posts: 51 Member
    My name is Becky and I am excited that there is a group for us with muffin tops. I am very much an apple shape. So, that really means that I have a muffin top. I really only need to lose about 10 pounds and this weight is around my middle. The rest of my body is rather trim.

    Does anyone know how much the 30 day shred cost?
    You can pick up the DVD for bout $9 or on blue ray for bout $13.
    Thats the prices at
    Also just found another Jillian Michaels DVD call 6 Week 6 Pack that is a total ab workout. This is priced at $7.50.
  • lipenzes
    lipenzes Posts: 2
    lipenzes i hear what youre saying about the excess skin my stomach looks like a bulldogs face and im so frustrated with it!!!! if i could afford it i would get abdominoplasty in a minute!!! but since that is not my reality im gonna work it off and hope to tone up enough to be able to tolerate it.

    I know I want that surgery bad. Hopefully one day we can afford to get it, but right now I'm like you. I hope it tones up enough so I can at least hide it.