Day 11 (5-10-12)

We are Champions!!! I got it done today and felt great today. I am a beast. Huffing and puffing as I kill another workout. I feel the burn. Mostly in my thighs. Lol. I hate squats. I feel like I'm in football again just a lot fatter. Coach use to make us do lots of workouts like these. Hated them then and hate them now. Lol. But it gets results and that is what I'm after. Have a Wonderful night ladies. Talk to you tomorrow.


  • MsB2bSkinny
    MsB2bSkinny Posts: 44 Member
    WooHoo Great Job :) You are rockin it!! I hate lunges, I don't mind squats so much anymore...I just keep in mind that it's gonna give me a nice *kitten* lol :)
  • SassyJuliana
    SassyJuliana Posts: 96 Member
    I'm with you, Lynette! My thighs are hard as rocks, and it all because of the exercises that I "HATE" so much... So truth be told: I LOVE THEM!!!! lol

    We are gonna have to call today my rest day, as last night was happy hour (aka gossip night) with the girls, and there was no way I wasn't gonna use the extra minutes to sleep! ;)

    I still ran today (not yesterday, though, as we met right after work), but no shred. I will probably make up for today on Sunday (mind you: probably is the key word in this sentence! :wink:)

    Keep it up, guys, you are doing wonderful!
