May Challenge Progress!

TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
Keep us updated on the progress during the challenge!


  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Done 1 Day for me of my Challenge of Trying to do 3555 and My total for today was 1856.. ;)
    Which I did by Treadmill this Morning , then Elliptical then Went for a Nice Brisk Walk with My Bestie ;)
    Only 1699 to go... xoxo
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    Way to go my preggo workout chick. What a way to inspire all of us.

    oh yeah, I miss you
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    ok, finished the challenge in one day. woohoo. One 4 hour session from midnight to 4:00am then a 3 1/2 hour session from 12:00pm to 3;30 pm

    5618 calories bruned for the day

    Stairmaster - 265 minutes 3548 calories
    Cross ramp - 30 minutes 340 calsories
    elliptical - 65 minutes 923 calories
    treadmill (brisk walk) 95 minutes 807 calories
  • skittles8810
    I havent started mine yet. I will prob be able to do it Wed or thur this week.
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Like I told Kevin on Saturday, I wasn't able to do the challenge this weekend due for unforseen circumstances that came up on Friday. I did work out on Saturday....but no high numbers.