Fighting through it

I was suuuuuper close to binging and purging yesterday but I made myself drive home instead of to get food. I made a bowl of soup and the craving passed. I was really proud of myself :)

I haven't been hardcore in a long time but it still a struggle, especially when I'm dieting, not to just eat a ton of junk and get rid of it. About 7 years ago I lost 100 lbs in less than a year through a combo of not eating, binging/purging, and laxatives. It was so easy, and I LOVED the attention my new body brought. I pretty much survived on ephedrine pills, mt dew, and screw drivers (vodka and orange juice).

But I ended up getting married and pregnant so I quit . Four kids later the weight is back and I'm trying to lose again. I know I couldn't handle my old habits again, I feel awful when I haven't eaten for a long time now, but the temptation to binge and purge is still strong on certain days. I can justify to myself that it's not cheating on the diet because it's not staying in.

I don't really have a conclusion for's a struggle and it sucks, but I brought it on myself. I knew what I was doing was unhealthy at the time. I knew it was the easy way out...I'm not stupid. I don't regret it though. As much as he begs to differ, I don't think my husband would have approached me if I hadn't looked like I did when we met, so without my stupidity I wouldn't have my husband or my babies. So, I'll just keep swimming :)