

  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    Since Feb I have lost 7.5 inches all over. I know its not much but I just had a baby and things are happening verrryyyy slowww for me. lol it sucks but its progress and Im damn proud of that!!
  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    Way to go on inches lost~! You have a right to be proud of it - it is success no matter how long it took! My progress has always been slow, but as long as I stick with it, it comes off. I am sure that as long as you keep with it your inches will melt away too :)
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    thanks sweetie, im looking forward to measuring again when Im done with SN6, I remember last time i lost a good amount of inches. : )
  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    I hope with the combo we are doing that we both loose a ton of inches and a little weight too :)

    I will be weighing in tomorrow morning, I was pretty on target as far as working out this week. I missed yesterday's Start It Up workout, only because I ended up with several blisters after my walk and it hurt to move afterwards. I will say though that my eating probably could have been a little better on some days, so I am not sure what the scale will actually say tomorrow morning. All I can really say is it doesn't matter as I am enjoying this hybrid of working out!
  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    Well, I weighed in this morning and I am back up in weight... 169.8 so 2.4 pounds up compared to the end of May. I am disappointed that I didn't lose but I am hoping the gain was muscle after this past week. On a good note I did lose .75 inches off of my waist but almost all my other measurements were either 0 loss or .25 loss. Hopefully I'll see more off a loss next Sunday.
  • determined136
    GIRLS......I hurt my knee! It is awful. I have not Turbo'd since last Wednesday and my workout buddy was in a serious accident (lucky to be here)

    I have to get back on track but I am struggling!!!!:sad:
  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    Sorry to hear you hurt your knee and that your friend was in accident :( I understand you wanting to get back to it, but make sure you give your knee time to heal that way you don't injure it further and are able to do Turbo whenever you want. While you are healing try to make healthy eating choices, I know thats not much help but I am sure you'll get back to it soon!
  • determined136
    Sorry to hear you hurt your knee and that your friend was in accident :( I understand you wanting to get back to it, but make sure you give your knee time to heal that way you don't injure it further and are able to do Turbo whenever you want. While you are healing try to make healthy eating choices, I know thats not much help but I am sure you'll get back to it soon!

    I know these things but boy does your mind play tricks on you! I want to work out so bad but I know that will just injure my knee more.....DANG IT!!! :sad: Thanks for the encouraging words.... This too shall pass....RIGHT?!?!?:noway: